
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Talks About JFK Jr. in Interview With George Magazine (VIDEO)

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sat down with George Magazine to discuss his candidacy and answer the question of whether his cousin JFK Jr. would have run for president.
George Magazine, which was originally founded by John F. Kennedy Jr. in 1995, went defunct after its founder, JFK Jr., died in a plane crash in 1999.
The magazine has since been revamped by Gene Ho, a photographer who worked with President Trump’s 2016 campaign.
Rachel Writeside Blonde, who serves as George’s executive managing editor, discussed JFK Jr. when she asked RFK Jr. if his cousin JFK Jr. would’ve ever run for president.

RFK Jr. responded by saying, “I think it’s possible.”
He continued, “I think he wanted to run not on the Kennedy legacy but he wanted to run because he was capable, he had great ideas, he was interesting, and he was charismatic.”
Kennedy finished his thought by sharing that it was admirable that John didn’t want to run just because of his last name but rather run to make a difference.

My cousin John F. Kennedy, Jr. started George Magazine in 1995. I sat down with @GeorgeOnlineLLC to discuss my candidacy, and the question of whether JFK Jr. would have run for president came up. pic.twitter.com/I9wRCVNb9V
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) December 29, 2023

President Trump previously stated he believed JFK Jr. could’ve been President, too.
In an interview with Mark Levin, Trump stated, “I got to know John Kennedy very well. John John. Fantastic guy. I think he could’ve been president.”

President Trump Says JFK Jr. Could’ve Been President pic.twitter.com/Sc6NcUZWiS
— Anthony Scott (@AnthonyScottTGP) December 30, 2023

The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft interviewed Robert Kennedy Jr. earlier this year in May where he talked extensively on his father, Robert Kennedy’s assassination and his uncle, John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Robert Jr. believes the CIA was involved.
The Gateway Pundit Interviews Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Who TELLS ALL on CIA, His Father’s Assassination, and JFK’s Assassination in Historic Interview (VIDEO) […]


Undocumented Migrants Will Qualify for Free Health Care in California on Jan. 1, 2024

For over a decade Democrats have called for free health care for illegal aliens in the United States.
Democrats were open to this idea back in 2009.
In 2018 California Democrat Gavin Newsome campaigned on the with to pay for universal healthcare for all illegal aliens.
In 2019 California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law to give taxpayer funded healthcare to illegal aliens.

In 2022 Newsome proposed a budget that would pay for all illegals to have free health care.
And now, in just two days, illegal aliens will qualify for free health care in the state of California.
That ought to keep the record flow of illegals to the United States to continue unabated.
There’s nothing like giving free health benefits to people who walk across the border into the US illegally.
The New York Post reported:
Cash-strapped California will ring in the new year by offering free health care to all undocumented immigrants who qualify for the state’s government-run health insurance program.
The state, which faces a $68 billion deficit in the next fiscal year, has been steadily expanding access to its Medi-Cal health insurance program for low-income residents, allowing undocumented children to qualify for the taxpayer-funded program in 2015, then expanding it under Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom to cover undocumented adults between the ages of 19-25 and those over 50.
On Jan. 1, California will become the first state to offer free health care to all qualifying individuals — regardless of immigration status or age.
In May, Democrats in the California Legislature celebrated the budget deal struck by Newsom and state lawmakers that led to the latest Medi-Cal expansion, which will see some 700,000 undocumented immigrants, ages 26-49, obtain full coverage under the program.
“This historic investment speaks to California’s commitment to health care as a human right,” state Sen. María Elena Durazo (D-Los Angeles) said at the time. […]

No Picture

Huge: Argentina’s Milei Presents ‘Omnibus Bill’ Promoting Privatizations, Curbing Protests – Implements ‘Right to Self-Defense’ and Protects Children ‘Since the Conception’

New Argentinian President Javier Milei continues his urgent work of drafting new legislation to tackle the dire situation in his country.
Milei has just presented a huge, radical ‘omnibus bill’ to Congress, declaring the country in a state of ‘public emergency’.
The comprehensive reforms in the 600-plus articles would give his government sweeping powers regarding economic issues, as well as fiscal, taxation, security, defense, energy and health areas, over a period of two years.

Argentina’s President Javier Milei has ANOTHER major victory today.
He has proposed a law that affirms a right to self-defense in Argentina, which they do not currently have.
This will be applies in cases where someone tries to cause bodily harm to you or where they try to… pic.twitter.com/g6aq4lklXp
— Joey Mannarino (@JoeyMannarinoUS) December 28, 2023

El Pais reported:
“The bill will be fast-tracked via extraordinary sessions of Congress. If it is approved, Milei will have a greater degree of legislative power ceded to the presidency, specifically competences that correspond to both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, where his party, La Libertad Avanza (Liberty Advances), holds a minority of seats. The 664 articles address a variety of issues, ranging from the reform of the political system and the control of social protests to the resale of tickets for sporting events.”

The bill, among many other things, eliminates Mandatory Open Primary Elections, restructures the Chamber of Deputies and removes free advertising spaces for candidates while eliminating the ceiling for contributions.
Read: Libertarian Outsider Javier Milei Is Sworn in as President of Argentina, Warning of a Fiscal ‘Shock Therapy’ and Vowing To Put the Country on the ‘Road to Reconstruction’
Some features of the bill are particularly poised to generate controversy, such as the measures against social protests.
According to the text, any ‘intentional and temporary gathering of three or more persons’ is to be considered a crime should it impede free transit or the provision of public services.
When it comes to fundamental rights, one of the highlights of the bill regard the rights to self-defense.
“Regarding security, the bill also introduces amendments to the Penal Code to broaden the right to legitimate self-defense and offer the security forces greater support. On this point, the text also establishes that the person who commits a crime or, in the case of death, his relatives ‘do not have the right to file a complaint or sue the person preventing the crime or preventing flight’. The text also legislates on ‘resistance to authority’ and establishes penalties of up to six years for anyone who ‘uses intimidation or force against a public official or against the person who assists them at their request’.”

Read: Argentina Devalues the Peso Over 50% In First ‘Shock Package’ to Tackle Hyperinflation by President Javier Milei
In a country with an overgrown and ineffective public sector, Milei brings the dreaded (to the left) subject of privatization.
“The bill proposes that 41 public enterprises are ‘subject to privatization’. The list includes the oil company YPF; the flagship airline, Aerolíneas Argentinas; the railroads and the post office; the Casa de la Moneda (the Argentine mint) and the public media, such as the news agency Télam.”

Read: Maligned by the MSM, Argentina’s Javier Milei Is Not Joking Around: Gets Rid of ‘Ministry of Culture’ Along With 8 Others, to the Dismay of Libs Worldwide
The text promotes a veritable overhaul of laws, rules and regulations in Argentina.
“The bill seeks to ratify the Necessity and Urgency Decree (DNU) whose 300 reforms dismantle the existing structure of the Argentinian State by repealing laws, eliminating dozens of state regulations, enabling the privatization of public companies, opening the door to operations in dollars and making the labor market and health system more flexible. The DNU is being challenged in Congress, the courts and on the streets by those who consider it ‘unconstitutional’.”
Other meaningful and welcome article deals with protecting ‘children from the moment of their conception’, thereby contradicting the laws on abortion.
Read more:
The MSM Smear Machine Turns on Conservative Javier Milei, Most Voted Presidential Candidate in Argentina’s Primary Elections […]


Georgia Secretary of State Requests MILLIONS for Voting Machine “Upgrades” for a System That Still Won’t Be Secure and Is Less Secure than Previous System

Earlier this month, the Georgia House Appropriations Committee convened to review budgets for the Fiscal Year 2025.  During the hearing, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger began his plea for millions of dollars more for the voting machines and election systems that Georgia tax-payers just purchased for $107 million in 2019.
Raffensperger began his plea for the Elections Division funding by claiming, “Since day 1, election security has been my top priority and will continue to be so,” and then he referred to Georgia’s system as “battle-tested.”  He then asserts that Georgia is a “national leader in elections” because they were the first state to have implemented “the trifecta of automatic voter registration, at least 17 days of early voting, which have been called the ‘Gold Standard’, and ‘no excuse’ absentee voting.”
None of those items he listed should be considered beneficial to “election security.”
Raffensperger went on to request $32.3 million for FY25, with nearly two-thirds of the request “designed to address election security issues” for a total of $20.2 million.  He also requested $6 million to replace the “aging voting machine power supplies” on the less than five-year-old systems (which was also requested last year) as well as $4,125,000 for QR Code Readers.  Georgia’s BMDs currently print the voter’s intent in a non-human-verifiable QR Code on the physical paper ballot.
When the funding request was broken down further, it amounted to the following:

Elections Software Reinstall  – $10,432,696
Security and Voter Upgrades – $11,839,160
Investigations – $487,160
Corporations – $3,275,000
Elections Personnel Needs – $2,686,000
Voter Contact/List Maintenance – $3,195,000
Professional Licensing Boards – $397,200

Raffensperger specifies that the “Software Reinstall” applies to all 159 counties and involves 34,000 ballot marking devices (BMDs) and almost 3,800 ballot scanners.

During questioning, Senator Max Burns brought up the recent roll-out of Garvis Poll Pads and a discussion at a November committee meeting regarding the poll pads, which Raffensperger was not in attendance.  Sen. Burns mentioned that they had requested the amount spent on the Garvis Poll Pads and where that money was allotted from.  Raffensperger did not know the total at that time but mentioned the funding was from “bond funds redirected.”

Raffensperger deployed Garvis Poll Pads in municipal elections to assist with voter check in. The poll pads are connected to the internet and reliable sources say they are easily hackable.
The Georgia Legislature didn’t approve the millions to pay for… pic.twitter.com/vzo20iz1Om
— Debbie Dooley (@Crimsontider) December 28, 2023

When asked by Senator Burns about the effectiveness of the poll pads, Raffensperger responded that “overall, it went very well” with “a few localized issues.”  He offered no substantive description of or resolution to any of those issues, but instead cited a “checklist” that they’re working on.
Next, Senator Brandon Beach asked about the “nine vulnerabilities” in the Halderman Report and Raffensperger’s claim that it would cost $32.5 million to “fix” those vulnerabilities.  Sen. Beach asked if the newly-presented $10 million would adequately fix the machines.  Raffensperger claimed the new request was “whittled down” and may be “sharpened” even further.
Raffensperger then doubled down that the implementation of these “fixes” won’t be able to be performed until after the 2024 election, even if more money was allocated, as Sen. Beach suggested.  The SOS claimed that it would take 97,000 man-hours to update the previously-mentioned 34,000 BMDs, or approximately 2.9 hours per BMD.
In J Alex Halderman’s 2021 report that was recently unsealed by Judge Amy Totenberg in the Curling v. Raffensperger case, Halderman claims:
…in reviewing the processes it will require an update of the nearly 45,000 pieces of voting equipment, along with the subsequent acceptance testing. This process will take tens of thousands of manhours. Therefore, the statewide move to 5.17 will occur following the 2024 election cycle. This will allow the state and counties to focus on executing municipal elections and running the Presidential cycle. It also allows the state to put together a thoughtful, thorough plan to roll out the latest software.
Specifically regarding the “patch” of the BMDs, he states:
Some of the critical vulnerabilities I discovered can be at least partially mitigated through changes to the ICX’s software, and I encourage Dominion and the State of Georgia to move as quickly as possible to remedy them.  However, merely patching these specific problems is unlikely to make the ICX substantially more secure. I did not have the resources to find all possible exploitable security bugs in the ICX software. Once I found one that satisfied a particular adversarial objective, I usually turned to investigating other aspects of the system. It is very likely that there are other, equally critical flaws in the ICX that are yet to be discovered. Fully defending it will require discovering and mitigating them all, but attackers would only have to find one.
And relating to the replacement of the previous system, Halderman states:
The ICX BMDs can be compromised to the same extent and as or more easily than the AccuVote TS and TS-X DREs they replaced.  Both systems have similar weaknesses, including readily bypassed user authentication and software validation, and susceptibility to malware that spreads from a central point to machines throughout a jurisdiction. Yet with the BMD, these vulnerabilities tend to be even easier to exploit than on the DRE system, since the ICX uses more modern and modular technology that is simpler to investigate and modify.

In addition to the initial cost of $107,000,000, the Georgia Secretary of State is now requesting tens of millions more for security upgrades in part for a system that still won’t be secure and, in fact, is less secure than the old system it replaced, as per the Halderman Report.
Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger must think Georgians enjoy throwing massive sums of their hard-earned taxpayer dollars into the bottomless pit of their vulnerable electronic voting machines. […]


23 future NFL Draft picks to watch in the College Football Playoff

The College Football Playoff is nearly underway as the No. 1 Michigan Wolverines will take on the No. 4 Alabama Crimson Tide in the Rose Bowl at 5:00 p.m. ET on January 1st, 2024. In the second semifinal matchup, the No. 2 Washington Huskies will face off against the No. 3 Texas Longhorns in the AllState Sugar Bowl at 8:45 p.m. ET.
These matchups between these four Championship-hopeful teams feature several marquee college football players, including some that could go within the first two rounds of the 2024 NFL Draft.
Here’s a look at the future NFL draft picks to watch across all four teams in the College Football Playoff.
The Wolverines, ranked No. 1 overall, have a plethora of NFL-caliber from top to bottom.
QB J.J. McCarthy
Michigan’s draft-eligible talent starts at the top with quarterback J.J. McCarthy, who is in consideration to potentially get selected in the first round of the 2024 NFL Draft.
McCarthy has yet to make a decision on his future, be it remaining at Michigan for a final year or moving on, but is considered to be one of the top-signal callers in the class.

Photo by Justin Casterline/Getty Images

RB Blake Corum
Corum was an option to enter the 2023 NFL Draft, but opted against that decision after undergoing surgery last offseason.
After a season that included 1,028 rushing yards and 24 touchdowns as a senior, Corum could be one of the first running backs selected in the upcoming draft.
WR Roman Wilson
With one year of remaining eligibility, Wilson could choose to return to Michigan for a final season, but is also a name that could potentially be called within the first three rounds of the 2024 NFL Draft.
As a senior, Wilson caught 41 passes for 662 yards and 11 touchdowns, serving as Michigan’s top wideout.
On film, Wilson’s speed and separation at the top of his breaks stand out, and could be a key factor in raising his stock as the draft process continues forward.
G Zak Zinter
One of the biggest question marks now due to a broken tibia and fibia sustained in the Ohio State game, Zak Zinter was going to be one of the top guards selected in the 2024 NFL Draft.
Zinter is still a marquee offensive line prospect and could still be seen as a top pick in the first two rounds, despite the significant injury.
DL Kris Jenkins
One of Michigan’s top defenders, Jenkins projects as a good run defender with the potential to be a three-down player at the next level, shaping him up to be a potential top-100 pick in the 2024 NFL Draft.
A great athlete for his position, Jenkins possesses unique traits that could boost his draft stock come NFL Combine time.
LB Junior Colson
Colson’s calling card comes in coverage, where he is most impressive with good instincts and speed to keep up with tight ends downfield.
While he’ll continue to develop as a run-stopper, the ability in coverage is one that several teams will seek in the modern-day NFL.
CB Mike Sainristil
A former wide receiver, Sainristil made the coveted change to cornerback and has blossomed at the position.
Likely a nickel cornerback at the next level given his 5’10, 185-pound frame, Sainristil also possesses the intangibles that several teams look for, which could make him a prime Day 2 selection.
S Rod Moore
Recently known for his game-clinching interception against Ohio State, Moore is still determining his future, but possesses the instincts at the safety position that NFL teams covet to go with good movement in space at 6’0, 185-pounds.
While a bit smaller than traditional NFL safeties, Moore’s versatility at the position is similar to former Michigan defensive back Dax Hill, which should boost him as one of the top safeties in the 2024 NFL Draft.
The No. 2 Washington squad is known for its electric offense and talent.

Photo by Brandon Sloter/Image Of Sport/Getty Images

QB Michael Penix Jr.
Just like with Michigan, Washington has a top quarterback that could be selected in the 2024 NFL Draft (sensing a trend here?) in Michael Penix Jr.
A left-handed flamethrower, Penix has undergone several injuries in his past that may lower his draft stock, but put together an impressive near-Heisman season that could see him get his name called within the first three rounds of the draft.
WR Rome Odunze
Another potential top pick in the 2024 NFL Draft, Odunze joins a talented corps of receivers in this year’s class, and could very easily go within the first round.
Odunze, standing at 6’3, 205-pounds, is a crisp route-runner at his size who possesses good ball skills and moves well for his frame.
WR Ja’Lynn Polk
Odunze is the star, but Polk is a very solid No. 2 wide receiver for Washington who possesses some of the best hands in this class with an extended catch radius due to his long arms.
At 6’2, 205 pounds, Polk’s hands are met with a level of physicality, which could allow him to see his name called within the first three rounds of the 2024 NFL Draft.
OL Troy Fautanu
A two-year starter at Washington, Fautanu has experience at both left tackle and left guard, and possesses long arms for his 6’4, 315 pound frame.
An explosive blocker that features very well in the run game, Fautanu could see his name called inside of the first round as well, although he likely projects to guard at the next level.
DE Bralen Trice
At 6’4, 275-pound, Trice is a prototypical defensive end and can play as a solid three-down defensive lineman who could slide down to the three-tech.
Trice’s calling card is his explosiveness and speed to power as a pass-rusher, which makes up for his average bend, and he could see his name called early in the 2024 NFL Draft as well in a pretty strong edge class.
While it’s not set in stone yet, the expectation is that quarterback Quinn Ewers will return to Texas for a final season, where he could develop and potentially be the top quarterback selected in the 2025 NFL Draft.
Additionally, running back Jonathan Brooks, seen as one of the top at his position in the draft, suffered a torn ACL, which now makes it likely that he returns to school.
With that said, let’s look at the rest of the top draft-eligible players from the Longhorns.
WR AD Mitchell
At 6’4, 200 pounds, Mitchell’s stock climbed significantly in 2023, as he showcased his explosive-play ability with 813 yards and 10 touchdowns on 51 catches.
Mitchell’s calling card is his separation, sparked by strong route-running, while possessing strong hands at the catch point. These traits could allow Mitchell to sneak into first-round consideration in an uber-talented wide receiver class.

Photo by Tim Warner/Getty Images

WR Xavier Worthy
Another potential first-round talent for the Longhorns, Worthy is a receiver that has been on NFL radars for a while with his elite speed and big-play ability.
Although he has dealt with injuries at times this season, Worthy has proven himself with a ton of tape stemming back to his freshman year and can play on the inside or the outside.
TE Ja’Tavion Sanders
A redshirt junior, Sanders is one of the best tight ends in the 2024 NFL Draft, and could position himself to be the first one off the board after Georgia product Brock Bowers.
At 6’4, 250-pounds, Sanders has a great frame, which is seen by his good blocking efforts, but is also a big-time threat as a receiver with good athleticism and elite instincts as a ball-catcher.
DL T’Vondre Sweat
A potential first-round pick, Sweat possesses elite strength as a 6’4, 362-pound defensive lineman, but also surprising speed for his size that makes him a well-rounded player.
A disruptor as both a run-defender and a pass-rusher, Sweat’s biggest question will be his size, but the talent is there to complement the frame.
DL Byron Murphy II
One of the biggest risers in this year’s class, Murphy has the versatility along the defensive line, but has suited up primarily on the interior.
Murphy’s get-off and quickness for his size flash on tape, and will likely serve as a three-tech at the next level.
Like Quinn Ewers is expected to do, Alabama quarterback Jalen Milroe is returning to college for the 2024 season in hopes of improving his draft stock and becoming of the top signal-callers in the 2025 class.
WR Jermaine Burton
Alabama’s top receiver in 2023, Burton is an explosive deep-play threat for the Crimson Tide at 6’0, 195-pounds, which will likely be his calling card at the next level.
Catching 35 passes for 777 yards and eight touchdowns this season, Burton didn’t register a drop as well, showcasing solid hands to go with his high-end speed.
OL J.C. Latham
A standout from last year’s cycle as a sophomore, Latham is primed to be a first-round selection in a talented tackle class this offseason.
At 6’6, 360 pounds, Latham possesses good feet and quickness for his frame, while serving as a physical blocker with great power and strength which make him a top tackle candidate.
DE Dallas Turner
One of the top pass-rushers in this year’s class, Turner is one of the best athletes in the class at 6’4, 250 pounds.
Mixing a good get-off with intriguing bend makes Turner a top pass-rusher in this upcoming draft, and his production showcases that with nine sacks in 2023.

Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images

CB Kool-Aid McKinstry
One of the top cornerbacks in this year’s class, McKinstry has been on draft boards for multiple seasons and is projected to be a first-round pick in the 2024 NFL Draft.
A 6’1, 195-pound corner, McKinstry has good athleticism and hip movement for the position to go with good length and top-level cover skills.

CB Terrion Arnold
Another top cornerback in the 2024 NFL Draft, Arnold is also a projected first-rounder and could go even higher than his counterpart in the secondary.
Possessing good speed and versatility, Arnold has the necessary athleticism and IQ at the position to go with a 6’0, 195-pound frame. He’s also capable in the run game and has a high motor. […]


Tiger Woods’ 5 best seasons on the PGA Tour, ranked

Tiger Woods has had an incredible career. He has won 15 major championships, triumphed 82 times on the PGA Tour, and won professionally 110 times overall.
Consequently, Woods is regarded as one of the greatest golfers of all time. He has the resume to make that case, although Jack Nicklaus won 18 majors during his illustrious career.
Nevertheless, in honor of Woods’ 48th birthday on Dec. 30, Playing Through decided to rank the best five seasons from his remarkable career:
5. 2008

Tiger Woods reacts to his birdie make on the 72nd hole at the 2008 U.S. Open.

Getty Images

Tournaments Won: 5
Majors Won: U.S. Open
The beginning of his 2008 season was nothing short of amazing.
He began the year at Torrey Pines in late January and won the Buick Invitational for a sixth time.
Two weeks later, he arrived at the Dubai Desert Classic and showed the world why he was the best. He won that event, too—one of the marquee events on the DP World Tour.
Then, in a completely different format, Woods won the WGC-Accenture Match Play Championship in Arizona. He crushed Stewart Cink 8 & 7 in the final round for his third straight title.
But he was not done.
At Bay Hill in March, Woods famously sank a 25-foot birdie putt to win the Arnold Palmer Invitational. It would mark his fifth straight victory.
Woods then finished runner-up to Trevor Immelman at the 2008 Masters.
After his trip to Augusta National, Woods announced he needed surgery to repair cartilage damage in his left knee. But he wanted to win the U.S. Open, which was scheduled to be held at Torrey Pines for the first time that June.
Alas, Woods arrived in Southern California with a torn ACL and a stress fracture—and won. In perhaps the greatest U.S. Open ever, Woods holed a 12-footer on 18 to force a playoff with Rocco Mediate. He won the title the next day.
He spent the rest of the year recuperating his leg, thus foregoing the rest of the season.
4. 2005

Tiger Woods and his caddie Steve Williams celebrate after he chipped in on the 16th hole at the Masters.

Getty Images

Tournaments Won: 7
Majors Won: Masters, Open Championship
The 2005 Masters tournament marked Woods’ return to major championship lore. His third victory at Augusta National was his first major triumph in almost three years, which, at the time, seemed like an eternity for him.
This tournament is best remembered by his second shot on the par-3 16th hole, which trickled down the slope and just fell in the hole for a birdie.
“In your life! Have you ever seen anything like that!?” Verne Lundquist, veteran CBS Sports announcer, famously exclaimed after this shot.
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Woods went on to defeat Chris DiMarco in a playoff.
He also won The Open at St. Andrews later that year by five strokes. Woods has called The Old Course his favorite in the world, as he triumphed there for a second time.
On top of his two major victories, Woods won four other times on the PGA Tour, three of which came on courses he has historically dominated: Torrey Pines, Doral in Miami, and Firestone Country Club in Akron, Ohio.
Then, in October, Woods won a World Golf Championship at TPC Harding Park in San Francisco, defeating John Daly in a playoff. He then won the Dunlop Phoenix Tournament in Japan the following month.
The former Stanford Cardinal also recorded 13 top-10 finishes in 2005, which included a solo second finish at the U.S. Open. Pinehurst No. 2 hosted that year and will do so again in 2024.
3. 2002

Tiger Woods emerged victorious at Bethpage Black, site of the 2002 U.S. Open.

Getty Images

Tournaments Won: 6
Majors Won: Masters, U.S. Open
Another year, another set of major championships.
Tiger won the Masters for a second consecutive year in 2002, thus becoming the first player since Nick Faldo in 1989 and 1990 to win back-to-back green jackets.
He easily won at Augusta National, cruising to a three-shot victory over Retief Goosen.
Later that year, he won at Bethpage Black by three shots over Phil Mickelson, thus giving the left-hander another runner-up finish at the U.S. Open. Woods, incredibly, was the only player under par.
But in between the Masters and the U.S. Open, Woods took a trip across the pond to Germany, where the Deutsche Bank Players Championship of Europe awaited him. He went on to defeat Colin Montgomerie in a playoff at the Gut Kaden Golf Club.
Woods began the year with back-to-back made cuts. He did not fare well at the WGC-Accenture Match Play Championship but bounced back with a solo second at Doral.
Two weeks later, he finally emerged victorious at Bay Hill.
He went on to win again later that year at the Buick Open in August, a tournament held the week before the PGA Championship.
Then, Woods finished one stroke behind Rich Beem at Hazeltine in the season’s final major.
But he would emerge victorious again in 2002, at the WGC-American Express Championship in Ireland. Woods finished at 25-under par to finish one stroke ahead of Retief Goosen.
2. 2006

Tiger Woods lifts the Claret Jug after winning the 135th Open Championship.

Photo by John Walton/Getty Images

Tournaments Won: 9
Majors Won: The Open, PGA Championship
Only one word can describe Tiger’s 2006 season: dominant.
He began the season by defeating José María Olazábal and Nathan Green in a playoff at Torrey Pines.
One week later, he flew across 13 time zones to Dubai, where he defeated Ernie Els in a playoff at the Dubai Desert Classic. Jet lag did not affect Woods then.
He emerged victorious again at Doral, notching his third professional victory in as many months.
But after finishing in a tie for third at the Masters, Woods took a hiatus from golf due to his father’s deteriorating health.
Earl Woods, the man who taught his son the game and who served as his mentor, passed away on May 6, 2006, at the age of 74.
His son did not make a start anywhere until mid-June. He missed the cut at the U.S. Open at Winged Foot, marking his first missed cut at a major as a professional.
But he stormed back with a vengeance at Royal Liverpool, relying on his brilliant iron play to strategically avoid all of Hoylake’s pot bunkers. He went on to win The Open for a second straight year. After the final putt dropped, he buried his head into his caddy Steve Williams’ arms, pouring out waves of emotions, knowing that this was his first major win without his father there.
Woods went on to win five more times that year, including the PGA Championship at Medinah.
1. 2000

Tiger Woods putts during the final round of the 2000 U.S. Open.

John G. Mabanglo/Getty Images

Tournaments Won: 10
Majors Won: U.S. Open, The Open, PGA Championship
Woods’ performance in 2000 was the most remarkable season in golf history.
He started by winning the Tournament of Champions in Maui, then the AT&T Pebble Peach Pro-Am, which served as a harbinger of things to come.
In March, Woods won the Arnold Palmer Invitational for the first time at Bay Hill. He would go on to win Arnie’s event seven more times, with his last victory there coming in 2013.
He then finished fifth at the Masters, won by Vijay Singh. That would mark the only major Woods did not win in 2000.
But before his historic performance at the U.S. Open, Woods won again—this time at Jack’s Place. He won the Memorial Tournament for a second straight year.
Following his win in Ohio, Woods went back to Pebble Beach, where he put on a performance for the ages. He won by 15 strokes—the most dominant performance in major championship history. Tiger finished at 12-under. His next closest pursuers, Ernie Els and Miguel Ángel Jiménez, finished at 3-over.
“I can’t say I foresaw him winning by 15,” veteran NBC announcer Roger Maltbie told Golfweek in 2019.
“It was probably the greatest performance in a major championship of all time.”
Tiger did not stop there.
He dominated St. Andrews en route to winning his first Claret Jug. He won golf’s oldest major by eight strokes that July, with Els again finishing runner-up.
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Less than a month later, Woods won the PGA Championship at Valhalla. But this time, he needed to win in thrilling fashion. He finished the final 12 holes in 7-under to force a playoff with Bob May, which was nothing short of epic. But Woods emerged victorious, thus becoming the first golfer since Ben Hogan in 1953 to win three majors in one calendar year.
And yet, he was not done.
He went on to win at Firestone the following week by 11 strokes. Then, he won the Canadian Open in September.
To finish the season, Woods captured the Johnnie Walker Classic in Thailand, where his mother hails from.
There is no doubt that golf will never see a performance like this ever again.
Jack Milko is a golf staff writer for SB Nation’s Playing Through. Be sure to check out @_PlayingThrough for more golf coverage. You can follow him on Twitter @jack_milko as well. […]


New Political Prisoner Podcast- Why Having Faith in God is VITAL for Jan 6 Prisoners

Jake Lang wanted to close out this year with a POWERFUL message about God in this week’s Special Edition Political Prisoner Podcast.
Many people wonder how he and so many Jan 6 prisoners can survive the brutal conditions of the DC Jail Gulag, day in and day out for three years and counting, without breaking.
Jake’s answer is simple: trust in God; He will see you through the storm.
Jake shares, “The Jan 6 conservative political persecution resembles Christian persecution in many striking ways; they both represent strong family values and a core message of individual integrity. The crossover between Jan 6ers being imprisoned and tortured and Biblical figures has left hundreds of thousands of Americans calling these men ‘modern-day Apostles.’ Not because of their cause but because of their conviction to lean on Jesus to bear the immense burden of inhumane imprisonment.”

Jake says he has received thousands of letters from the American people during his OVER 1075 days incarcerated WITHOUT a trial, and shares, “The impact these letters have on us J6 prisoners is incredible, everyone seems to have a handcrafted message from God! People call us modern-day Apostles, which is humbling, and we take these words to heart as we turn to God in the courtroom, knowing we aren’t getting a fair trial.”
“But neither did any of the brave men of the Bible. We know God is working all things for our good, and we have to see past the temporary pain of this weaponized political torture into the promises of God to restore our Nation. If our imprisonment for years in these heinous conditions is part of God’s plan to wake up our Nation and stir up our people into an American Revival, then we are proud to be used for His purpose.”
As we approach the three-year anniversary of January 6th,  the resilience of the Jan 6ers is inspiring.
You can support the Jan 6 prisoners by becoming a monthly commissary sponsor at SponsorJ6.com.
Listen to the full Political Prisoner Podcast: American Revival episode below: […]


The Definitive List of States That Want to Determine What Residents Can Say

This article originally appeared on WND.com
Guest by post by Bob Unruh 
23 led by Democrats insist they can control ‘misleading information’
There now is a definitive list of states where officials want to be able to censor their residents, controlling what they claim is “misleading information.”
And all 23 are led by Democrats.

The list comes courtesy of constitutional expert and popular legal commentator Jonathan Turley, a renowned law professor at George Washington University who not only has testified as an expert before Congress but has represented members in court.
“For years, we have discussed the alarming shift in the Democratic party on free speech with candidates running on pledges to censor opposing views and politicians supporting blacklisting and censorship on social media,” he explained. “Many citizens oppose such efforts to restrict their rights under the First Amendment, but are unaware of the work of their representatives to limit free speech. Now, a filing in the Supreme Court supporting censorship efforts by the Biden administration has supplied a handy list of the anti-free speech states for citizens.”
The legal filing comes in the case Missouri v. Biden in which a district court judge ordered the government to stop coordinating censorship campaigns with social media companies. That ruling is on hold now while the U.S. Supreme Court considers the facts.
The district judge who originally ruled in the dispute, Terry Doughty, charged that, “The United States government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth.’”
In the case, the evidence shows Biden administration officials would pick a comment they disliked, then complain to one of several foundations or organizations. Those groups then would lobby social media companies until those comments were censored.
Turley noted, “The 5th Circuit previously ruled in Missouri v. Biden that administration officials ‘likely violated’ the First Amendment and issued a preliminary injunction banning the government from communicating with social media companies to limit speech.”
He explained California “is leading the effort to get the Supreme Court to reverse a decision enjoining the government from censorship efforts. California has long sought to impose speech limits on doctors, businesses, and citizens to silence opposing viewpoints.”
But he said other Democrat-led states also have joined “this ignoble effort in signing on to the brief of California Attorney General Rob Bonta. ”
He said, “The brief lauds past efforts of these states to combat ‘harmful content’ on the Internet and to protect the public from ‘misleading information’ through partnerships with social media companies.”
The list includes: Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin and District of Columbia.
Copyright 2023 WND News Center […]


Chicago Shifts $95M in Federal COVID-19 Relief Funds to Illegal Housing Costs

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson
The sanctuary city of Chicago is buckling under the catastrophe brought on by Joe Biden’s broken border policies.
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson recently signaled that the city is at a breaking point due to the influx of illegal aliens in the city.
In an appearance on CNN, Johnson was reduced to begging Biden for help, “We have reached a critical point in this mission that absent real, significant intervention immediately, our local economies are not designed and built to respond to this type of crisis.”

Democrat Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson says “it’s the entire country that is now at stake” if Congress doesn’t pass a “pathway to citizenship” for the millions of illegal immigrants pouring across the open southern border pic.twitter.com/v12GGsFkl3
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) December 27, 2023

Now, Johnson’s top aides have announced the city will shift $95 million in COVID-19 relief funds to cover some of the costs of sheltering thousands of illegals coming to the city.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
“This doesn’t change that outlook,” Johnson’s senior adviser, Jason Lee, told the Sun-Times. “We’re going to continue to lobby the federal government for more support as the situation becomes, frankly, more unstable.”The city had budgeted about $152 million for 2023 city operations to be covered in American Rescue Plan Act funds, the dollars allotted by the federal government in 2021 to help local governments make ends meet amid COVID-19 shutdowns.
Better-than-expected city revenue means some of those operational costs can be covered by the city’s corporate fund, freeing up $95 million in federal dollars for the migrant crisis, said city Budget Director Annette Guzman.
The city so far has spent more than $138 million to care for the new arrivals, mostly Venezuelan migrants from the southern U.S. border who have been bused and flown to Chicago by Republican leaders aiming to shift costs to Democratic-led cities.

Johnson said in a statement,  “[W]e are allocating federal funds to deal with a federal problem. By allocating ARPA funding for this mission, we are meeting the City’s financial obligations without cutting the critical services that Chicagoans rely on every day.”
CBS Chicago investigators uncovered records showing Chicago has paid out $138 million from October 2022 to the present to address the needs of illegals in the city.
CBS Chicago reports:
The largest recipient of the money was Favorite Healthcare Staffing – a healthcare staffing firm. The firm received $93 million – 68 percent of the total sum.
Equitable Social Solutions, a company that works in homelessness prevention and housing support, got $19 million.
The family-owned food service company Open Kitchens got $15 million.
The Gateway Pundit reported on the sweet deal Favorite Healthcare Staffing has with the city, where some employees were being paid rates ranging from nearly $50 to $156 an hour for regular pay and from $75 to $234 an hour for overtime. […]


Swatted: John Paul Mac Isaac, Georgia Lt. Gov. Burt Jones And Law Professor Jonathan Turley Are the Latest Targets of Bogus Police Calls

The holiday season swattings continued this week with George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, Georgia Lieutenant Governor Burt Jones (R) and Hunter Bide laptop figure John Paul Mac Isaac all reporting being swatted by bogus police calls. Jones also reported his office received a bomb threat.
File screen image.
These swattings followed those in the past week against conservative activists, elected Republican officials in the House, Senate, Georgia and Ohio. The Democrat mayor of Boston and a former Democrat state senator in Nebraska also reported being swatted over Christmas.
Turley, who lives in the D.C. suburb of Fairfax County, Virginia, issued a statement Friday night, reported the New York Post (excerpt):
“Yes, I was swatted this evening. It is regrettably a manifestation of our age of rage,” the George Washington University law professor said in a statement on Friday.
“However, we are grateful to the Fairfax police officers who were highly professional and supportive in responding to this harassment,” said Turley, who regularly writes op-eds for The Post.
Law enforcement responded to Turley’s Fairfax County home after an individual placed the bogus emergency call.
The Fairfax County Police Department confirmed that the caller falsely said somebody was shot at Turley’s address.

The swatting of Turley was first reported on X Twitter by citizen reporters Henry Bright and Alan Henney: “High-Profile Swatting in Fairfax Co. ~1800: A caller reported a serious incident at a residence owned by @JonathanTurley. FCPD officers responded and determined the incident was unfounded. h/t @alanhenney”

High-Profile Swatting in Fairfax Co.
~1800: A caller reported a serious incident at a residence owned by @JonathanTurley. FCPD officers responded and determined the incident was unfounded.
h/t @alanhenney
— Henry Bright (@HCBright10) December 29, 2023

John Paul Mac Isaac, the former Delaware computer repair shop owner who came to prominence after reporting Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop computer to the FBI several years ago, reported he was swatted Friday night, “My home was swatted tonight, I was not home but the outstanding men and women of the Wilmington PD responded quickly and professionally. All that was achieved was the wasted time of the Wilmington PD. NOTHING, let me repeat that, NOTHING will take me out of this fight! Cheers!”

My home was swatted tonight, I was not home but the outstanding men and women of the Wilmington PD responded quickly and professionally. All that was achieved was the wasted time of the Wilmington PD.NOTHING, let me repeat that, NOTHING will take me out of this fight! Cheers!
— John Paul Mac Isaac (@JPMacIsaac) December 30, 2023

Georgia Lt. Gov. Burt Jones posted Thursday, “Last night, my home was “swatted”. This morning, a bomb threat was called to my office. Thankfully everyone is safe, and I commend our local law enforcement officers for their professionalism. Let me be clear — I will not be intimidated by those attempting to silence me. We will put an end to this madness. We are in full compliance with law enforcement, and I am confident that those responsible will be brought to justice and be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

Last night, my home was “swatted”. This morning, a bomb threat was called to my office. Thankfully everyone is safe, and I commend our local law enforcement officers for their professionalism. Let me be clear — I will not be intimidated by those attempting to silence me. We will…
— Burt Jones (@burtjonesforga) December 28, 2023

Atlanta Journal-Constitution reporter Greg Bluestein posted several more Georgia elected officials were swatted, ” half-dozen or so Georgia lawmakers have confirmed they have been “swatted” in recent days, and I’ve heard privately from others. Don’t be surprised to see legislation in January aimed at increasing penalties on the perpetrators and other steps to deter this crime. #gapol”

A half-dozen or so Georgia lawmakers have confirmed they have been “swatted” in recent days, and I’ve heard privately from others. Don’t be surprised to see legislation in January aimed at increasing penalties on the perpetrators and other steps to deter this crime. #gapol https://t.co/hKv08pnXWe
— Greg Bluestein (@bluestein) December 28, 2023

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) was swatted twice in the past week along with two of her daughters, as was Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), Rep. Brandon Williams (R-NY) and Boston Mayor Michell Wu. Conservative activist Jack Posobiec was swatted twice at his parents’ house Christmas week while at a family gathering. Meme artist Catturd was swatted as was conservative activist Tammie McDonald.
Turley had spoken to Fox News Digital for an article about swatting posted Friday before he himself was targeted (excerpt):
George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley told Fox News Digital that swatting is a crime that could be “charged as a form of criminal threats.”
“Swatting constitutes a false police report that can be criminally charged,” Turley said. “Virginia recently passed a new law making swatting specifically a criminal misdemeanor. It can also be charged as a form of criminal threats.”
“This is a crime that flourishes because there is insufficient deterrent,” Turley continued. “The anonymity and rare prosecutions combine to fuel this form of criminal harassment.”
“There is no mystery to how to address these crimes. There must be greater detection and penalties to achieve deterrence,” he added.
Rep. Greene has said she intends to introduce legislation in Congress to address swatting. […]