
President Trump Boards Air Force One on His Way to North Carolina to See the Hurricane Destruction and Negligence by Former Regime

President Trump speaks with reporters before boarding Air Force One to fly to North Carolina and inspect the state after the damage by Hurricane Helene.
President Trump is flying to Ashville, North Carolina this morning to see the damage of Hurricane Helene. The state was abandoned by the previous Democrat regime.
Trump told reporters earlier this week, “I’m going to North Carolina, which has been abandoned by the Democrats. And, I’m going to North Carolina very importantly first, I’ll be there on Friday.”
President Trump will then fly to Los Angeles to see the damage of the historic fires in the nation’s second largest city.
Via Dan Scavino.

JUST IN: President Donald Trump is on his way to North Carolina
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) January 24, 2025

President Trump told reporters: North Carolina, a horrible thing the way that’s been allowed to fester and we’re going to get it fixed up. Should have been done months ago from the hurricane that took place almost 4 months ago. North Carolina has been treated very badly, so we’re stopping there and we’re going to then go to Los Angeles. And take a look at a fire that could have been put out if they let the water flow, but they didn’t let the water flow, and they still have it for whatever reason. So I think we’re gonna have a very interesting time. I think many of you are going with us. If you’d like to have a ride on the plane, we’d love to give it to you. I don’t know. Is he, is he going? Is he going? I don’t know. I mean, I really don’t, you know, because if he’s going to be there, it would be cheaper, but I didn’t invite him. Somebody did.

Trump also said he will be watching the March for Life today.
Here is CSPAN video of his comments to reporters.

Trump speaks with reporters before traveling to Ashville, NC.Watching https://t.co/RSZniE0B7R @CSPAN President Trump Departs White House for Ashville, North Carolina | https://t.co/WVbAjxoI78
— The Gateway Pundit (@gatewaypundit) January 24, 2025 […]


Robert Kennedy Jr. Praises President Trump’s Order to Declassify RFK, JFK, and MLK Assassination Records (VIDEO)

Robert Kennedy, Jr. praises President Trump for declassifying RFK, JFK, and MLK assassination records.
In May 2023, The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft interviewed Robert Kennedy, Jr. During our discussion RFK Jr. discussed his father’s assassination in depth. He also discussed his uncle’s assassination.
Robert has spent decades studying the assassinations that were life-changing events during his early years.
Robert Jr. told The Gateway Pundit that his father’s initial impulse was to call the CIA and ask about their involvement.
Robert was picked up early from school and made it home around the same time the CIA Director had arrived at his home.

The transcript from our discussion is published below.

On Thursday MSNBC asked Robert Kennedy, Jr. on his reaction to the news that President Trump was declassifying the Robert Kennedy, John Kennedy, and Martin Luther King assassination records.
Robert Kennedy cheered President Trump for keeping his promises.

NBC Anchor: Do you think is was the right move to declassify the documents?
Robert Kennedy Jr.: I think it’s a great move because we need more transparency in our government. And, he’s keeping his promise to have the government tell the truth to the American people about everything.
NBC reported:[embedded content]
Here is what Robert Kennedy, Jr. had to say about his uncle’s assassination during our 2023 interview.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: It was an interesting historical event because and I remember it as a kid, I remember when it was happening, but Gary Francis Powers, who was the U2 pilot, was shot down over Russia where he was spying. And we (the US) had denied that we were spying, but the U2 was flying at over 60,000, I think maybe even 100,000 feet, and nobody could see it. And they thought it could not be shot down, and the Russians shot it down. But Gary Francis Powers, who was the pilot, had a kit that he was supposed to take, I think it was anyway, it was poison, and it was in a coin with a little needle on it that he was supposed to prick himself and it would kill him instantly. And he was under orders to do that, and he just didn’t do it. And he parachuted instead. And the Russians captured him, but they didn’t immediately say they had captured him. So they just accused the United States of having a U2 that had crashed in Russia, and the Eisenhower administration, on the advice of Alan Dulles, denied it. And then they (the Soviets) produced Gary Francis Powers.
This is kind of an interesting intersection in my own life because the radar operator at the Atsugi Air Force Base where that U2 (spy plane) had taken off. And who was in charge of monitoring the U2 flights was Lee Harvey Oswald. He was a Marine who was working there, and then he subsequently defected. But it was a fake defection. It was a defection that was orchestrated by James Jesus Angleton, who was the head of counterintelligence at the CIA.
Oswald was a CIA asset and was ordered to do this fake defection because they knew that there was a spy in Langley and that the only way that the Russians could have shut down that U2 is if they had a spy who had given them the plans.

They (CIA) wanted to find out who the spy was, and they still never did. But they had a plan was that Oswald would defect the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union would be wondering who he was and whether he was real. They (the Soviets) would contact their spy in Langley to go and look at his files. And they had a trigger system on his files. If anybody touched his (Oswald’s) files, they would immediately know who it was. And that’s how they hoped to uncover the spy.
And that’s why two and a half years later, Oswald walked into the – after noisily defecting and making headlines all over the country at that time that a US. Marine had defected to Russia. It was huge news. And he had gone into the US. Embassy and renounced his citizenship. – And he goes back into the embassy at that point, and they give him his passport back without any questions, and they give him $600 to fly to Dallas. And then he was picked up by a CIA asset called George de Mohrenschildt. Incidentally was a cousin of my Aunt Jackie’s, an oil man who worked for the CIA in Dallas. And he got him the job at the Book Depository, et cetera.  Anyway, it’s just interesting that Gary Powers story has another interesting intersection with my life.
Jim Hoft: That’s incredible. What a story. My gosh. And how long was he at the Depository before the shooting?

Robert Kennedy, Jr.:  He had just gotten that job. Mohrenschildt got him a number of jobs and he went back and forth. His handler in the CIA was a guy called David Adley Phillips. And I actually interviewed maybe four or five years ago, I interviewed a Cuban assassin who ran a group called Alpha 66. And his handler was also David Adley Phillips. And he had met Oswald in Dallas during one of his meetings with David Adley Phillips. Anyway, it’s just interesting.
Jim Hoft:  Very much.  Was that research you did, Robert, or is that something that…

Robert Kennedy, Jr.: I did a book called American Values. That is my favorite of all the books that I’ve written. And it’s basically a biography. But also the kind of overarching trajectory of that book is my family’s 60-year fistfight with the CIA, which I grew up with because the CIA was only a couple of – it was less than a mile from my house. And so, we used to ride our horses every morning, my father would take us at dawn every morning, horseback riding. And we’d ride through the forests around the CIA and past the buildings, et cetera. My father was going in there almost every day to harangue them about Operation Mongoose and all these other things. And they hated him at the CIA, and they put in they fired Dulles after the Bay of Pigs, and Charles Cabell, who was the second in command, the military commander of the CIA, and Richard Bissell. And they put in John McCone, who was a sort of a conservative Republican Catholic business guy who they thought would calm down the agency, but nobody told him what was going to happen at the agency. But when the day my uncle was killed in ’63, as you I think, mentioned earlier, my father’s first phone call when Hoover called him and told him his brother had been shot, my father’s first phone call was to the CIA desk officer, who my father said, “Did our people do this?”

Then he called Harry Ruiz-Williams, who was one of the Cuban refugees. And I grew up surrounded by Cuban refugees who my father had gotten out of Castro’s prisons in the year after the Bay of Pigs and was finding them schools and finding them homes and getting them, many of them enlisted in the US. Military and finding jobs for them. And one of the chiefs of the brigade was Harry Ruiz, who had fought with Castro and been friends with Castro. And then later, when Castro turned Marxist, had turned against him. He was my father’s closest friend among the refugees, and he was in Washington that day. And my father called him next and said, “Was it your guys who did this?” Because he suspected the Cubans had done it, because the Cubans were always threatening. They wanted to kill him. And they were trained. A lot of them had worked for Batista. They were snipers. They were people who the CIA had trained to kill Castro. And they were all involved with American Mafia, and they were killers. And David Adley Phillips had run the propaganda for that operation for the Bay of Pigs.  And he had been sort of the Havana Bureau Chief for a while, and the chief propagandist during the Guatemala overthrow and later- then the third call my father made was to John McCone, and he asked McComb to come to our house.
McCone drove down the road and arrived there just before I came home from school that day because we were picked up early. As soon as my uncle was shot, we were picked up and kind of rushed home. And when I came home, McCone was walking in the yard. We had about an eight-acre yard. McCone was walking in the yard with my father, and my father, in that walk, said to him, “Did our people do this?” McComb told him no. McComb didn’t know I’m sure McComb thought he was telling the truth, and clearly he wasn’t the guy who ordered it. So anyway, but it was my father’s first instinct to believe that the CIA had killed his brother.
Jim Hoft:  And you have similar thoughts, by the way. Thank you for that. That’s an amazing story. And sorry for your loss, your family, all the heartache that your family went through. But you’ve said similar things in about your father’s death.
Here is the video.
[embedded content] […]


Todd Bensman: US State Department Is Still a Major Funder of Illegal Migration at US Southern Border Even After Trump’s Decisive Victory (VIDEO)

The Refugee and Migrant Needs Analysis chart with annual cost expectations.
On Thursday night, Todd Bensman from the Center for Immigration Studies, joined Laura Ingraham to explain how the US government is still spending billions of dollars assisting illegal aliens from Central and South America on their trek to the US southern border.
According to Bensman, billions of dollars—mostly sourced from U.S. taxpayers—have been funneled into the hands of over 200 United Nations agencies and numerous non-governmental organizations.
These entities have been instrumental in orchestrating the movement of millions of migrants towards the U.S. southern border.
The spending plan for the upcoming years is already set, with a staggering $1.4 billion earmarked for 2025 to assist approximately 2.3 million foreign nationals across 17 Latin American countries.

Bensman explained the longstanding partnership between the Biden-Harris State Department and a network comprising 230 NGOs and 15 UN agencies. This coalition has spent at least $6 billion over the past four to five years to support migrants en route to the U.S. border.

Despite the political shift marked by Trump’s election, these organizations are poised to continue their financial aid, signaling a sustained push towards the U.S. border, potentially to pressure the new administration.
Laura Ingraham:  According to Todd Bensman at the Center for Immigration Studies, the UN and NGOs, non-governmental organizations, have directed billions of mostly US US tax dollars into supporting millions of illegal Southern border trips. The large conglomerate made up of more than 200 UN agencies and NGOs already has an idea of how they want to spend your cash for this year. Check it out.

They want to spend $1. 4 billion to support 2. 3 million foreign nationals traveling to the United States through 17 Latin American countries. Joining me now is Todd Benzman, Senior National Security Fellow for the CIS. Todd, people watching this are going, what is this NGO-UN collaboration and how does it involve us? Really quickly explain it.
Todd Bensman:  This has been going on for four or five years straight now, at least $6 billion, a very close collaborative partnership between the Biden-Harris State Department and those 230 NGOs and 15 UN agencies to send hundreds of millions of US tax dollars to migrants on the trail, helping to sustain them in their northward track to the United States border, they know exactly what they’re doing.
The odd thing is that even though they know that Donald Trump won, they still are putting together a $1. 4 billion package for 2025 and another billion-dollar package for 2026, which tells me that even though the numbers might be low, they definitely want to keep the pressure up and on the Southern border, maybe to induce a failure, do something. But they’re definitely planning to be That’s a big business.

Laura Ingraham:  Todd, let me understand this. This is essentially making life easier for those who are trying to make the trip up to the border, correct? What groups are we talking about here? Is this Catholic Relief Services? Is this the Lutheran Church? Or other more radical immigration groups? Give me some names.
Todd Bensman:  All the major religious groups are represented here. You’ve got HIAS, you’ve got Caritas, you’ve got the Lutherans, you’ve got the Seventh Day Adventists, you’ve got international relief agencies, the Red Cross. There’s 230 of them, and they’re all listed in the RMRP online. That’s their budget document. You can go look it up.
They’re all there and how much money they’re going to spend. But the majority of that cash that they’re getting is coming directly from the US State Department. That is a close collaboration.

I know the Trump administration, brand new, is very busy right now, but they shouldn’t forget to turn the spigots off if they want to shut that down, down there, because they are in weigh stations from South America all the way through Central America all the way up into Northern Mexico in a big way.
Via Midnight Rider.

Here is a listing of the groups that are funding the illegal migration into the US. This listing is from the 2024 RMRP document.
The biggest funders are the UN groups like UNHCR and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Todd Bensman says the US State Department is also a major funder for the illegal migration invasion at the U.S. southern border. This needs to be corrected immediately. […]


Killer Arrested: 28-Year-Old Afghan Migrant Enamullah O Identified as Killer of 2-Yr-Old and 41-Yr-Old Man – Stabbed the Child to Death at a Nursery

An Afghan migrant who is living in an asylum center was arrested on Wednesday for stabbing to death a two-year-old child and 41-year-old man on a playground. Two others were injured in the knife attack.
28-year-old, Enamullah O, had a history of violent attacks, and was in Germany despite having an order to leave the country.
Local police said there was no evidence of the man’s radical views so far.
Enamullah O was identified as the killer who stabbed two people to death in Germany. He is an Afghan migrant who was told to leave the country.
Workers at a nursery, or what we call a daycare center here in America, noticed the man acting suspiciously and decided to move the children inside. It was at that moment that the Afghan migrant attacked the children killing a two-yer-old and then killing a 41-year-old man who attempted to rescue the children.

The attack took place in a park in Aschaffenburg, Bavaria.

The Afghan man was an asylum seeker who was told to leave the country. He entered the country in 2022.
Lefigaro reported:
The weekly Der Spiegel claims that his name is Enamullah O. and that he lives in an asylum seekers’ centre in Bavaria. According to the local daily Main-Echo , the police also searched a centre in Azelnau, a neighbouring town. According to the Central Authority for Foreigners (ZAB), quoted by the same source, the man was subject to an order to leave the country.

The suspect, who entered Germany at the end of 2022, had applied for asylum in early 2023. The procedure was still ongoing when, on 4 December, he announced that he wanted to return to Afghanistan and take care of the necessary formalities. On 11 December, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) “informed him of the suspension of the asylum application procedure” and “invited him to leave the country” . There is reportedly no connection between the attacker and the group he was pursuing.

Leftism is a disease.

The Afghan refugee who stabbed two people (including a two-year-old) to death in a park in Germany today was already known to have mental problems, but was still in Germany and, better yet, allowed to just roam the streets. Leftism in Germany is a failed social experiment through… pic.twitter.com/dVqJRt7iei
— Christiane F (@isa2001m) January 22, 2025

This was the latest attack by a member of the Religion of Peace in Germany.

Last few months in Germany:
Today – Afghan asylum seeker stabs a toddler and a man to death
December – Saudi Arabian asylum seeker kills 6 in car-ramming attack against a Christmas market in Magdeburg
August – Syrian asylum seeker stabs 3 people to death at a ”diversity… pic.twitter.com/f0dnx652dY
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) January 22, 2025 […]


Hypocrite Pope Francis Scolds President Trump for Deporting Illegals After Vatican Issues New Rules for Deporting Illegals

Pope Francis lectures Trump on borders after Vatican issues new rules on border invaders.
Open borders Pope Francis lectured President Trump on his plans to deport illegal aliens who entered the US unlawfully.
The current radical Pope is anti-borders and has previously urged Western countries to open their doors to unlimited immigration. The man is very dangerous.
Red Francis was asked about Trump’s plans to deport illegals in the US and replied, “If this is true, it is a disgrace.” He added, “This won’t do. That is not the way to solve things.”
Pope Francis earlier condemned those who “repel” migrants and called this a “grave sin.” The US was flooded with over ten million illegals, most of them unvetted, during the Biden years. This was not enough for the communist pope.

The statements by Pope Francis follow last month’s rule changes by the Vatican on illegal invaders.

Via Carlo Maria Vigano:
The recent Decree of the President of the Pontifical Commission for the Vatican City State regarding illicit entries into the territory of the Vatican City State, issued on December 19, provides for harsher fines and prison sentences for those who violate the borders of the Vatican State:
“Anyone who enters the territory of the Vatican City State with violence, threats or deception is punishable by imprisonment from one to four years and a fine from €10,000.00 to €25,000.00. Entry is considered to have occurred “by deception” when the entry occurs through fraudulent evasion of the security and protection systems of the State, or by evading border controls.”
Red Francis continues to promote open borders and interfere in the policies of sovereign nations based on his own ignorance. Meanwhile, the Vatican moves to expel the illegals within its own borders. […]


WINNING! Kristi Noem Pledges to Shut Down Joe Biden’s ‘Consierge Service’ CPB One for Illegal Migrants on Day One

Kristi Noem and Senator Josh Hawley
President Trump’s nominee for Homeland Security Secretary, Kristi Noem, appeared before the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee Friday morning starting at 9 AM Eastern.
Noem is the Governor of South Dakota, a position she has held since 2019. Before that Noem was a popular member of the US House of representatives.
Governor Noem will follow Alejandro Mayorkas in this very important position. Mayorkas is not only a serial liar but he facilitated the greatest mass invasion of illegal migrants into a country in global history. Mayorkas truly is an enemy of America like many of Joe Biden’s cronies.
During her hearing on Friday, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) asked her about Joe Biden’s CPB One program and if she will continue this “concierge service” for illegal migrants to enter the US on planse all paid for by the Biden regime.

Noem did not hesitate to pledge that she will end this program on day one!

Senator Hawley: Talk about CBP One, the phone app that I’ve called “Concierge Service for Illegal Immigrants.” I’m sure you’re familiar with it. This was the Biden administration’s effort to allow asylum seekers to apply ahead of time using their phones, but not actually to provide any evidence that they needed asylum. There is a newspaper report, a press report that said, The only problem with the app is it never asks users, Are you seeking asylum? They don’t ask for any asylum evidence. They simply release these so-called asylum seekers who use the app into the country on parole. Sometimes they’re never given a hearing.
The Inspector General actually did a report, a full investigation report on CBP1, and found that frequently users of this app were claiming the same addresses in the United States as their intended destination, even though they didn’t know each other, they weren’t family connections. In other words, it has been completely abused. The idea that the federal government would pay for this concierge service for illegals, I think is outrageous. Will you end the use of the CBP One app?

Kristi Noem: Yes, Senator, if confirmed, and I have the opportunity to be secretary on day one, CBP One will be shut down.
Approximately, 936,500 illegals have entered the US using this program, via Grok.

Kristi Noem just pledged to shut down the CBP One app.
I can’t believe this app was even created. Democrats are a clear and present danger to America.
— Spitfire (@DogRightGirl) January 17, 2025 […]


LIVE STREAM VIDEO: Trump Nominee Gov. Kristi Noem Appears Before Senate Homeland Security and Govt. Affairs Committee – Starting at 9 AM ET

Kristi Noem sits before the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee in Washington DC. on January 17, 2025. – CSPAN screengrab
President Trump’s nominee for Homeland Security Secretary, Kristi Noem, sits before the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee Friday morning at 9 AM Eastern.
The live-stream video is posted below.
Noem is the Governor of South Dakota, a position she has held since 2019. Before that Noem was a popular member of the US House of representatives.
Governor Noem will follow Alejandro Mayorkas in this very important position. Mayorkas is not only a serial liar but he facilitated the greatest mass invasion of illegal migrants into a country in global history. Mayorkas truly is an enemy of America like many of Joe Biden’s cronies.

Here is a chart on the destruction of Mayorkas and Joe Biden and what their open  border policies did to America.

Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas, and Kamala Harris have presided over the greatest illegal migrant invasion in US history. This comes after Joe Biden opened the border on his first day in office.
Mayorkas also presided over the government censorship industrial complex that has targeted, blacklisted, censored, demonetized, and destroyed conservative and independent media websites in America today.
The weak members of the US House and Senate were not able impeach Mayorkas. What a disgrace.

Kristi Noem will be a breathe of fresh air for the rule of law and for reestablishing a southern border in America.
At some point, there should be an investigation on Biden and Mayorkas and their planned destruction of America with their open borders disaster.
[embedded content] […]


Unforgettable: Liberal Heads Explode as Treasury Secretary Nominee Scott Bissent Praises Trump for Why He Nominated a Gay Man to Lead Treasury

Treasury Secretary nominee Scott Bissent at his confirmation hearing.
As The Gateway Pundit reported, Scott Bessent, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Treasury Secretary, appeared before the Senate Finance Committee today for his confirmation hearing.
Bessent, a hedge fund manager, and Key Square Group founder calmly swatted down Democrat haters when they have asked him gotcha questions and made laughably untrue remarks throughout his testimony. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) learned this the hard way earlier today.
Earlier today Bessent put Bernie Sanders in his place after the old socialist, who never earned a steady paycheck until he was in his 40s, attempted to smear US billionaires who Joe Biden suggested in his farewell speech, were a threat to America. Bissent calmly reminded Bernie that Joe Biden had just awarded George Soros the Presidential Medal of Freedom last week!
Later, during the confirmation hearing, Senator Tom Tillis (RINO-NC) asked Mr. Bessent if he had ever worked in public service.

Secretary nominee Scott Bissent delivered one of the most unforgettable responses this week.

Scott Bissent told the Senate Finance Committee how he was discriminated against earlier when he tried to enter the military for being gay.
Then he praised President Trump for selecting him for Treasury Secretary, not because he is gay, but because he is the most qualified for the job.

Scott Bissent: …Sitting here today is especially meaningful for me because this is my third try at public service.
In 1979, when I was 17 years old, I wanted to fight for my country. My father had just experienced extreme financial difficulties. I wanted to attend the US Naval Academy. I was offered by our congressman, the Sixth District of South Carolina, an appointment, but was unable to take that appointment because of my sexual preference.
I managed to go to Yale, worked several jobs to do that. While at Yale, I wanted to do public service and join the Foreign Service. I was told, also not welcome.

Sitting here today is my third attempt at public service. I sit here knowing that President Trump chose me because he believes I’m the best candidate, not because of my sexual preference, not because Treasury Secretaries with green eyes do better. I think it is a tribute to President Trump that he looks at people as people.
That right there explains the difference between Republicans and Democrats.
Trump Republicans promote qualified individuals who may happen to be gay. Democrats promote individuals because of their color or sexual preference above all else. It’s called DEI.
Via Trump War Room.

MUST WATCH: “President Trump chose me because he believes that I’m the best candidate — not because of my sexual preference, not because treasury secretaries with green eyes do better — and I think it is a tribute to President Trump that he looks at people AS PEOPLE.” pic.twitter.com/0bE5AhGmjG
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) January 16, 2025 […]


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Calls President Trump and Thanks Him for His Assistance in Brokering the Hostage Release and Peace Deal

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called President Trump on Thursday and thanked him for his assistance in brokering the peace agreement and hostage release with the Hamas terrorists.
As reported earlier, President-elect Donald Trump’s Middle East envoy Scott Witkoff was the deciding factor in securing a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas, but President Joe Biden nevertheless took a victory lap anyway.
According to Arab officials, Witkoff did more to move Netanyahu toward a ceasefire in a single meeting than Joe Biden did the entire previous year.
On Thursday Prime Minister Netanyahu called President Trump and thanked him.

This was posted on PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s X account:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke this evening with US President-elect Donald Trump and thanked him for his assistance in advancing the release of the hostages and for helping Israel bring an end to the suffering of dozens of hostages and their families.
The Prime Minister made it clear that he is committed to returning all of the hostages however he can, and commended the US President-elect for his remarks that the US would work with Israel to ensure that Gaza will never be a haven for terrorism.

The two decided to meet in Washington soon in order to discuss this and other important issues. Prime Minister Netanyahu then spoke with US President Joe Biden and thanked him as well for his assistance in advancing the hostages deal.
Netanyahu hopes to meet with President Trump soon in Washington DC after his Inauguration.

The Prime Minister made it clear that he is committed to returning all of the hostages however he can, and commended the US President-elect for his remarks that the US would work with Israel to ensure that Gaza will never be a haven for terrorism.
— Prime Minister of Israel (@IsraeliPM) January 15, 2025

The two decided to meet in Washington soon in order to discuss this and other important issues.
Prime Minister Netanyahu then spoke with US President Joe Biden and thanked him as well for his assistance in advancing the hostages deal.
— Prime Minister of Israel (@IsraeliPM) January 15, 2025

Last week, President-elect Donald Trump issued a stern warning to Hamas, demanding the immediate release of hostages held in the Gaza Strip.

Trump made it clear that failure to comply by January 20, his Inauguration Day, would result in severe consequences for the region and that “all hell would break out.”
Hamas agreed to the peace deal a week later.
That explains Prime Minister Netanyahu’s call to his friend, President Trump. […]


Cowboy Logic Holds 80-Hour J6 Marathon – With Over 150 Interviews with J6 Political Prisoners and Their Families

January 6 Trump supporters

Cowboy Logic, the popular weekly series on Real America’s Voice, has conducted more interviews with J6ers behind bars than any other national-level television show.

Co-hosted by Donna Fiducia (former Fox News Channel Anchor) and her husband, Don Neuen (a politically incorrect Cowboy) made the decision in early 2022 to give a voice to the voiceless.  That decision resulted in over 150 interviews with J6ers and their families.

Over the years, Donna and Don felt the need to spend holidays with J6ers to help them know that America had not forgotten them.

In 2023, Donna and Don decided to spend Christmas night with the J6ers in the DC Gulag.

In 2024, they featured 13 J6ers who had been released and were finally able to spend Christmas with their families in a heartfelt three-hour Christmas special that was aired on Real America’s Voice four times over Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

In 2023, for President Trump’s birthday, Cowboy Logic recorded 33 J6ers from the DC Jail sending birthday wishes to President Trump.  During The President Trump J6 Birthday Special, Oath Keepers:  Stewart Rhodes, Kelly Meggs and Jessica Watkins were able to send their birthday message from the SHU (The Hole) where they were placed post sentencing.
Donna and Don made sure that President Trump was able to get a copy of this “President Trump Birthday Special” and was told he was deeply touched.

Cowboy Logic has faithfully honored the J6ers and those who lost their lives that day (Ashli Babbitt, Rosanne Boyland, Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Philips) by playing the “J6 Prison Choir National Anthem” with President Trump to close their show every week.  Released in May 2023, the record went Platinum with over a million digital downloads.

With January 20th approaching, and the likelihood of a Presidential Pardon being granted, Donna and Don felt it was important to do something to recognize those that have lost so much after that tragic day, January 6, 2021.  So, they went to the Cowboy Logic show archives.

The end result was The J6 Interviews Marathon!  10 Volumes  –  8 hours each volume!  80 hours of J6 interviews and information!

With everything going on in the news the ten days before January 20th, they knew that it would not be possible to take 8 hours a day for 10 days of broadcast time away from the normal Real America’s Voice schedule, so they decided to stream to their Rumble channel and GETTR feed.

Starting on January 10th at 4PM ET, Volume 1 was released.  And every day starting at 4PM ET until midnight, Cowboy Logic will stream another 8 hour Volume of J6 Interviews.

The final Volume 10 will stream on Sunday, January 19th from 4PM ET until midnight taking us into the most consequential Inauguration Day in history.

Tune in for an amazing compilation of interviews with J6ers, their families, lawyers and subject matter experts like only Cowboy Logic will deliver.

WHEN:  Daily though January 19th from 4PM – Midnight ET […]