Concealed Carry Corner: Carrying In A Vehicle And Storage

Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we talked about dry firing and the importance of practicing the correct way to dry fire at home. If you happened to miss that article, be sure to click the link here to check it out. This week, I want to talk about another important aspect of carrying which is carrying inside your vehicle. We spend a decent amount of time traveling in vehicles, but the idea of carrying and storing firearms in your vehicle is rarely talked about. There are also a fair amount of misconceptions when it comes to how safe firearms are when they are hidden inside a vehicle. Let’s take a closer look at carrying in a vehicle and storage.

Concealed Carry Corner @ TFB:

Different Ways To Carry In A Vehicle

When it comes to carrying in a vehicle, it may not seem any different than carrying throughout the day. The reality is that people will carry in all different kinds of ways when inside their car or truck. Whether that’s a holster mounted on the center console, under the steering wheel, or even inside a lock box. I have seen all different kinds of ways that people will carry their firearms and every state can be different depending on the definition of what concealed is in your state.

Michigan for example has its law stating that no matter where the firearm is in the vehicle it is considered concealed. Whether it’s on the passenger seat, center console, under the seat or even on the dashboard it’s considered concealed. Florida on the other hand states a firearm has to be concealed and out of sight even when inside the vehicle. This is just a comparison of two states where every state could have its own definition so it’s important to know what the laws are in each state.

Carrying is very dependent on what those local laws are and some states will allow their permit holders to have more freedom on where they can put their firearm as they drive. Some like to mount holsters on the side of their center console or under the steering wheel, others like to put it in the cup holsters while they drive while some like to just keep it on their body.

Vehicle Storage

Depending on where you work or places you go, it can sometimes be difficult to carry a concealed firearm everywhere you go. Some people go out for a drink or two after work and take their firearms off to be in compliance. This isn’t an ideal situation but life happens and sometimes it’s a choice we have to make as conceal carriers. Sometimes the easiest way is to just try and hide it under a seat or somewhere in the vehicle.

I’ve seen friends lock them in a glove box or a hiding spot in a truck that sometimes has hidden features depending on the model. Companies like GM and Boss Strong Box make center console safes that offer more protection than simply hiding your firearm somewhere. If someone does a quick smash-and-grab in your vehicle, it’ll be really hard to quickly pull the safe out of your center console. The biggest downside to these systems is the price of the actual unit and then getting it installed. For cheaper options, they have systems like the Hornady lock boxes that come with a number combination as well as a cable lock.

With a cable lock, you can attach it to a seat pillar or support bar that’s not going to bend or break under heavy force if someone decides to pull on the cable. These aren’t as secure as the lock boxes or vehicle safes but they are more affordable than the safes specifically built for certain models.  Having larger storage units can give you a better sense of security and peace of mind with the ability to lock your firearms down in a vehicle but this isn’t always a foolproof plan.

Problems With Vehicle Storage

The biggest problem with vehicle storage that most don’t think about is the fact the entire vehicle is mobile and if someone steals the actual vehicle, it doesn’t matter how secure your firearms are if the entire platform drives off with your items secured. You can take as many precautions as possible but the simple fact is the actual vehicle itself can be stolen.

That’s why it’s best to not leave handguns or personal protection items in the vehicle if you don’t have to in the first place. I believe it’s good to have a system where you can lock your carry gun if you need to take it off for some reason, but leaving firearms in your car full time is never a great option since they can easily be stolen by someone. Certain states are starting to crack down when it comes to having unsecured firearms in the vehicle as well so if it ends up getting stolen, you may be legally held responsible as well.

In my opinion, it’s best to keep your carry gun on you as much as humanly possible. Leaving a firearm in your vehicle should be a last resort but one that does happen occasionally. It may seem like a good idea to try and make your truck or car into a rolling armory but the simple fact many miss is that a rolling armory can be stolen and if that happens, your life just got a whole lot more complicated as a result.

Overall Thoughts

Carrying in a vehicle is something we will all do at some point. Whether it is a part of our daily commute or traveling across the country, there are always situations where we will be traveling with firearms, and it’s important to know your state and local laws before traveling. Vehicle storage is never a bad thing to think about but it’s important to understand that firearms should never be held long-term inside a vehicle since the entire vehicle can be stolen which only adds to the problems you will have on top of your vehicle being stolen.

The chances are relatively low but it’s not impossible by any means so it’s important to at least take into consideration. What do you guys do when you have to keep your handgun in your vehicle? Let me know in the comments below. If you have questions about vehicle storage or carrying concealed, feel free to shoot me a message on Instagram @fridgeoperator. Stay safe out there and we will see you next week for another edition of Concealed Carry Corner.

TFB’s Concealed Carry Corner is brought to you by GLOCK

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