The Maricopa County Elections Department oversaw another third-world election on Tuesday, where polling locations closed early unannounced, and voters were forced to drive around town looking for a place to vote.
Additionally, live cameras recording signature verification and counting of votes at the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center were turned off or inaccessible, according to Maricopa County Republican Committee Chairman Craig Berland. Maricopa County even acknowledged the suspicious activity, alleging this was caused by a “network issue.”
— Maricopa County Elections (@MaricopaVote) November 5, 2023
The Gateway Pundit will have more on this following our investigation.
This all-mail election was for voters to elect local candidates in participating jurisdictions and decide on local tax measures. Typically, for off-year elections in Maricopa, in-person voters would check in with an electronic signature, fill their ballot in, place it in the envelope, sign the envelope, and drop the envelope with a ballot inside in the secure indoor dropbox.
Remember, Maricopa County stole the last midterm election with similar in-person voting location issues. The polls were open during the previous election, but when voters attempted to submit their ballots, the machines at 60% of vote centers spit them out. This thwarted Republican in-person voters by causing mass confusion and hours-long lines.
The Arizona GOP then filed an emergency lawsuit to keep the polls open longer and give the people who spent hours in line to no avail more time to vote, which was denied.
Of course, the issues in the last two elections only affected voters who cast their ballots on election day–which many conservatives prefer to do.
They want us to vote using their insecure mail-in ballot process, which lacks a chain of custody and accurate voter identification checks, or not at all!
It almost resembles a scene from The Dictator (2012), which depicts “Wadiya’s first free elections,” where General Aladeen, played by Sacha Baron Cohen, won 98% of the vote. This is ostensibly what’s coming next:

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Pennsylvania’s election on Tuesday was also plagued with interference when several voting machines in multiple districts across Northampton County were down due to “votes getting flipped and not recording properly.” This was allegedly due to a “coding error.” What a joke!
Maricopa County, leading up to Tuesday, gave incorrect information, or “election disinformation,” to voters. This is almost like Douglass Mackey, AKA Ricky Vaughn, a pro-Trump meme maker who was sentenced to 7 months in prison for trolling Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election. His crime: using social media to “spread election disinformation” via MEMES to Hillary Clinton voters in 2016.
In response to State Rep. Austin Smith, who called Maricopa County out for closing locations before the 7 p.m. deadline yesterday, X user Ellen Steriff embedded a photo of Maricopa’s own instructions that came in the mail with ballots. The instructions for in-person voting state, “Visit any voting location no later than 7 p.m. on November 7 to cast a ballot in person.”
Insert included in Ballot by Mail sent to voters specifically states;
“DROP IT OFF – Drop your ballot off at any voting location or ballot drop box no later than 7 p.m. on November 7.”
“VOTE IN PERSON – Visit any voting location no later than 7 p.m. on November 7 to cast a… pic.twitter.com/4dfHmKwjlb
— Ellen Streiff (@EllenStreiff) November 8, 2023
However, when voters arrived at polling locations, many discovered they were closed as early as 4:30 p.m.
Local activists Merissa Hamilton and Jeff Caldwell of EZAZ.org did incredible work at the Paradise Valley School District office interviewing victims of voter suppression, helping them find somewhere to vote, and encouraging them to Never Surrender. Some were forced to drive across town in hopes of exercising their right to vote, only to find what one described as “this reoccurring nightmare.” Another with hungry children in her car decided, “I’m just gonna throw away my ballot now!”
Merissa told The Gateway Pundit that she found a crowd of “frustrated” voters formed at the closed polling center, and employees were still giving incorrect information regarding the closest open location to voters. She added, “There were several voters who could not vote” because they didn’t have time! “There were some voters that the location we were at was the third or fourth location they went to that was closed.”
Jeff Caldwell added, “People actually called Maricopa County, and they told them on the phone that the location was open until 7:00.”
Watch below:
Daniel: I was trying to vote today; I was looking on my phone for a location, which was not easy to find. I finally found a phone number to call the county. I called the county, I asked them for a location; it took them a while, but they told me to come here. I came straight here and found this on the door. They closed at 4:30.
I’d like to see the elections get cleaned up instead of this recurring nightmare. This is the same thing that happened in the last election.
Elmer: I’m very upset about this because we phone called at two o’clock and they said, we live in Scottsdale, and this was our closest location. Then they want to tell us you close at 4:30? Come on!
Vanessa: I came to vote because it was supposed to be open until 7:00, but it is 5:19, and it’s closed already. So, I guess I’m just gonna throw away my ballot now. I have my kids in the car, and we haven’t even gotten dinner. I drove 20 minutes to get here already.
Jeff Caldwell: We have even more people joining us this evening. It’s been chaotic because this voting location right here closed at 4:30, and I’ve been directing traffic.
Maricopa County is rigging another election. These crooks did it in 2020, 2022, 2023, and will do it again in 2024 if the Dems fail to jail the leading opposition candidate https://t.co/jCrW0P29ew
— Jordan Conradson🇺🇸 (@ConradsonJordan) November 8, 2023
If they’re giving “mis/dis/mal-information” to the public to interfere with jurisdictional elections, why are we to believe the 2024 Presidential Election will be anything but dirty?
Trump Save America attorney and election integrity champion Christina Bobb told The Gateway Pundit,
Bobb: How many elections does Maricopa have to screw up before we hold them accountable? At best, they are completely incompetent. At worst, they are criminal. The people of Arizona deserve to have faith in their elections.
People will have faith in Arizona’s elections when Maricopa stops screwing them up. It’s the people who demand accountability of their government. Maricopa is demanding the people accept problematic elections, cycle after cycle, without actually providing a well run election. They can’t have it both ways.
The Gateway Pundit will continue to provide updates on the sketchy election in Maricopa County.