Welcome back to this week’s Friday Night Lights. Last week we took a look at the Tracer Tactical Head Harness. Well, this week we revisit our friends at Gibbous Outfitters and see what they have come up with now. Gibbous Outfitters upgrade the MP5K, the infamous MP5 briefcase, along with some unexpected upgrades for other weapon systems.
MP5s @ TFB:
Gibbous Outfitters Upgrade The MP5K
Last time we saw Gibbous Outfitters upgrade the MP5 platform it was for light mounts and MP5K furniture. Well, I talked with Gibbous Outfitters and they were interested in helping me with a specific problem: Briefcase problems for the MP5K. With my Laser Devices dual laser grip, I have VIS and IR lasers but I have not found a way to mount a light low profile enough that will fit in the briefcase. So we started looking at the SureFire Scoutlight Pro specifically the Mini Scoutlight and Micro Scoutlights. If you recall, the Gibbous Outfitter upgrade light switch mount bolts a Scoutlight-compatible body directly to the front sight. Well, this sticks out a bit and it does not clear the insides of the briefcase. So I sent Gibbous Outfitters a Mini Scoutlight Pro body to pattern a new mounting interface for the MP5 series and this is what they came up with.
I bolted my Micro Scoutlight Pro since it is the smallest of the Scoutlights.
Sure enough, it fits the MP5K briefcase.
With a short enough head, the Mini Scoutlight Pro can also fit the briefcase.
Gibbous Outfitters Upgrade VFG
Something else Gibbous Outfitters upgraded was the classic VFG for the MP5K. They copied the original aesthetic and integrated a SureFire tape switch slot. Just like his lighted forends, it has internal cable management.
Since the Gibbous Outfitter upgrade VFG is 3D printed, it can be modified to have the tape switch mount on the other side for left-handed shooters. They received some feedback from Joe of Stoppiello of Dakota Tactical. They will make versions with a short integrated Picatinny rail as well as another version with M-LOK slots so people can mount lights or lasers directly to the VFG rather than mount it to the front sight tower.
Due to the integrated tape switch mount, Gibbous Outfitters made the switch side flat.
Just like their MP5 and MP5K handguards, you route the plug through the switch mount and there is a channel inside to hold the cable. While 9mm barrels do not typically get hot, mag dumping several mags in full auto can get barrel temps up pretty high so it would be nice to keep the cable away from the barrel.
H&K Briefcase Handle Laser/Light Mount
This next Gibbous Outfitters upgrade is something I have been wanting to have made ever since I got my H&K briefcase. I want a non-permanent way to mount a light and laser to the briefcase that I can activate while shooting the briefcase at night. Aiming the briefcase is counterintuitive. Only with extensive experience can you get reasonable hits on target without walking them in. It is a form of hip firing. But a laser and light would make this task easier, especially for newer users.
This light/laser mount just sits on top of the briefcase handle. Somewhat like a gooseneck mount, the Picatinny rail section sits low just above the muzzle side latch. The reason the light/laser mount cannot be permanently attached is due to the way the briefcase opens. See the photo below. If the light/laser handle mount was attached to the handle the latch could not open.
Right now I can only use constant activation due to the way the briefcase is manipulated. The small circle is the safety but it is a dead man’s switch. You pull it back with your shooting hand thumb. If you let go, it will push back forwards under spring tension. So this occupies your thumb so you cannot activate the light while pulling the triggers.
Gibbous Outfitters’ upgrade handle mount was designed in the blind with just photos and measurements I took. I gave them my feedback and shipped the handle mount, XVL2, and the handle from my airsoft briefcase so they could design a better-fitting handle mount. I told them I would like it to have an integrated SureFire tape switch slot like their handguards with internal cable routing. I have the tape switches for the XVL2 and the slimmer, non-rail-grabbing one, is the same size as the normal Scoutlight tape switches. I want the switch positioned on the left side of the handle so when I grab the handle my middle and fourth fingers can press the switch while gripping the handle. I want wings that come down both sides of the handle with a slight curve to their ends so the handle can snap onto the grip but be easy to pull off so I can open the case. Gibbous Outfitters upgrade handle revision might increase the rail length to accommodate the SureFire X400 with XT07 remote tape switch attached.
Other Gibbous Outfitters Upgrade M72 LAW Mount
My friend gave me his spent M72 LAW tube. I have seen photos online that newer versions have a Picatinny mount to attach accessories.

Photo from National Interest.
So from various photos found online, Gibbous Outfitters made me a Picatinny rail.
More Gibbous Outfitters Upgrades Coming Soon
Gibbous Outfitters have other projects and designs in the works. Of course, they are working on a new version of the briefcase handle mount. They have new stock options for the MP5K coming soon and I have them tasked with mounting an M249 SAW stock to a G3 but they will make it fit all the popular roller locks and roller delayed guns. So follow their Instagram @gibbousoutfitters for any updates.