Jim Caviezel, Dr. Ben Carson and John Rich Celebrate Mothers at Moms For America’s 20th Anniversary Gala

Kimberly Fletcher, founder & CEO Moms for America

“The Mothers of a country mold its citizens, determine its institutions, and shape its destiny” Mathew Vassar

Kimberly Fletcher, Founder and President of “Moms For America” Joins Rose Unplugged to discuss the upward battle moms face raising children today and how that battle can be won.


Connecting Moms across the country is key to building solidarity with those who are facing a collective challenge. Whether it is the challenges at school board meetings, reading materials that are not age-appropriate, or the ongoing threat of a loss of liberty for all.

Raising patriots in the home is key to a better future. We want our children to live and experience a life in liberty as we have.

Moms for America celebrates 20 years of supporting moms as they effectively raise children. Moms need support from other like-minded women. The struggles we face today are seemingly insurmountable. But if we focus on truth and not move from that, we can succeed.

We have dinner to make, children to care for, and a country to save! We’ve got this. We’re moms! Moms are the ones that everyone looks to fix it. We can and will preserve the blessings of freedom.

What inspires moms is the story of America. Where we are right now is a very scary place. “We are living in Hitler’s Germany, Mao’s China, and Stalin’s Russia – all leading us down a very bad path.” Kimberly Fletcher

There are solutions to counter these complicated problems. And Moms For America offers those solutions.

How things have changed for moms over the last 20 years. 20 years later moms are still fighting for the children – but the battles have evolved and are presenting even greater risks.

What children are being exposed to every day is actually worse than we can imagine. We can’t allow the world to speak louder to our children than we do.

Celebrating 20 Years serving American moms. The Anniversary Gala is being held February 29th to March 2nd. Featured speakers will be John Rich, Jim Caviezel, Dr. Ben Carson, Abby Johnson, Dr. Simone Gold, and many others. Rose Unplugged will be speaking as well.

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“Empower Moms, Promote Liberty, Raise Patriots”

Our Mission

Moms for America®’s mission is to empower moms to raise
patriots and promote liberty for the healing of America.

Our Vision

Our vision is to build a national movement of moms to promote
the principles of Liberty to restore the Republic, and create a
culture of truth, family and freedom in our homes and

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