Mike Pence Is Done – Says He Will Not Commit to Pardoning President Trump if the Biden Regime Jails Him (Video)

Mike Pence joined Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Wednesday on their popular radio show.

During the interview Mike Pence refused to commit to pardoning President Donald Trump if the Biden regime is successful in jailing the leading GOP candidate.

Mike Pence already said he will not pardon any January 6 prisoners who are receiving six times the court sentences of an ordinary criminal.

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You can make a good argument that the only reason they are in prison is because Mike Pence lied to the American public and refused to take action on January 6.

Pence’s New Memoir Throws Trump Under The Bus For Questioning 2020 Election — Forgets He Promised Trump Voters, “We’ll Hear The Objections, We’ll Hear The Evidence”

Pence is done. He is only hanging around to trash President Trump. Go away, Mike.

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