Former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield confirmed during testimony that he was excluded and kept out of the loop by Dr. Tony Fauci in early February 2020 after he suggested the COVID-19 virus was leaked from a laboratory and did not act like a naturally occurring SARS coronavirus.

Dr. Redfield believed COVID came from a lab so Fauci excluded him from phone calls early on as he persuaded other doctors to side with him by handing out millions of dollars in research grants.

The only thing that changed was the BRIBES and NOT THE SCIENCE!

Chairman Jim Jordan was ON FIRE – questioning Dr. Redfield about the origins of the COVID19 virus during the House Coronavirus Committee.

Nine Million Reasons to Change Your Mind–

Transcript from the video below:

JORDAN: Dr. Redfield, you ran the CDC and you were on the Coronavirus task force, is that right? That was formed on January 29, 2020, is that right?

REDFIELD: Correct.

JORDAN: Two days later, Dr. Fauci gets an email from Dr. Andersen which says what? The virus looks engineered, the virus is not consistent with evolutionary theory. Is that accurate?

REDFIELD: That’s my understanding from what I’ve read.

JORDAN: Did he share that email with you? As a member of the task force and head of the CDC, did he share that email with you?


JORDAN: Next day, February 1, Dr. Garry sent Fauci another email saying, “I don’t know how this happens in nature but it would be easy to do in a lab.” Did he share that email with you?


JORDAN: You didn’t see either one of those emails, even though you’re head of the CDC? Even though you’re on the Coronavirus task force that had been formed just two days earlier?


JORDAN: Three days later, Dr. Andersen and Dr. Garry, who told us it came from a lab in emails to Dr. Fauci that Dr. Fauci wouldn’t let Dr. Redfield see, three days later they change their position 180 degrees. The question is why.

Mr. Wade, why would they chang their position that fast, when the only intervening event is a conference call with Dr. Fauci, the guy who wouldn’t let Dr. Redfield see the very emails that they had sent him, Dr. Redfield, head of the CDC, on the Coronavirus task force, why would they change their position, Mr. Wade?

NICHOLAS WADE, FORMER “SCIENCE” MAGAZINE EDITOR: This question does lay at the heart of the issue. What is pertinent it seems to me is there is no new scientific evidence that we can see that became available between these dates.

So you have to ask if there were other kinds of influence available.

Now, it is true that Dr. Fauci and [British expert] Dr. Farrar in London were very powerful research officials… I don’t know what the reason was… If you’re looking at the timeline on May 21, just a few weeks after the Nature Medicine article had come out, two of the signers of the original email to Dr. Fauci, that is Dr. Andersen and Dr. Farry, were rewarded a $9 million grant for the–

JORDAN: So there are nine million reasons why they changed their mind. I knew you’d get to it, I read that last night. Three days after they say it came from a lab, they change their position and the only intervening event is a conference call with Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins. Again, a call that Dr. Redfield was not allowed to be on, the head of the CDC and on the Coronavirus task. And then three months later, shazam, they get nine million bucks from Dr. Fauci. Well isn’t that something?

That’s why we want to talk to these guys.

This was Fauci’s darkest day. He is running out of places to hide.

Rep. Malliotakis asked Dr. Redfield about the origins of the virus on Wednesday. Redfield was excluded from early calls as Fauci worked with taxpayer dollars to “persuade” other top doctors to side with him about the virus occurring naturally.

They all knew this was a lie.

The Gateway Pundit reported on this earlier.
Fauci is in big trouble.

The Genius of Trump: China Economy is Growing at Its Slowest Rate in 30 Years – Prognosis For Future Doesn’t Look Good

This post was originally published on this site