Earlier this week, The Gateway Pundit released exclusively obtained emails and text messages from Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and State employee-turned-private contractor-turned-back-to-State employee Gabriel Sterling. In those emails and texts, then-GA GOP Chairwoman for Coffee County, Cathy Latham, had repeatedly made pleas to the Secretary of State’s Office to remedy issues that had arisen in the 2020 Primary races in Georgia on the new Dominion Voting Systems. Coffee County officials had to drive several counties away to ‘borrow’ a machine from Cook County in order to finish their tabulations because of their own machine’s malfunctions.
Latham, a retired school teacher of over 30 years, is likely to be among the political persecutions in the Fulton County DA’s indictments as the Mockingbird Media anticipates racketeering charges will be brought shortly. While there is no shortage of conspiracy theories among the Mockingbird outlets regarding “secret” CCTV videos of investigators, there is very little mention of what happened prior to and on the night of elections in Georgia.
During the January 5th senate run-off, Latham served as a Republican observer and “Voter Review Panelist” during the counting of the votes after polls closed. Prior to Election Night, however, Misty Hampton, the Coffee County Election Supervisor, informed Latham that the Douglas Precinct was having issues with one of the Dominion ImageCast Precict (ICP) scanners. The machine was sealed and a Dominion tech made the determination that “it was probably the failure of one of the memory cards,” a common excuse touted by Sterling and Raffensperger (more on this in Part 3 and 4). It was decided that those ballots would be scanned after polls closed on Election Day with the remaining absentee ballots on the ImageCast Central (ICC) scanner.
Remember: Latham had alerted both Raffensperger and Sterling as far back as September 2020 about issues Coffee County was having with their Dominion machine.
On Election Night, under observation of Latham and others in a crowded room, Hampton began pulling batches to scan. On the very first batch, the machine jammed with the following screen message: “QR CODE Failure.” According to Latham’s sworn affidavit, this continued “batch after batch, time after time.” Samuel Challandes, a Dominion tech from Colorado assigned to Coffee after issues in the June and November 2020 elections, recommended that Hampton “take a cloth and wipe down the scanner” and to “blow canned air at the eye of the scanner to remove paper debris” to no effect.
Latham, Hampton, and the Democrat Party observer, Ernestine Thomas-Clark, all observed that “every ballot that had a QR Code Failure was a ballot for all three Republican candidates: Perdue, Loeffler, and Bubba McDonald.” Thomas-Clark, the Democrat, at one point said “This isn’t right.”
In addition to constantly wiping the machine and using compressed air, they also tried using smaller and smaller batches. Eventually they were trying just 5-10 ballots at a time. With only 5,800 ballots to scan that night, it should have been a relatively quick task, but “at least one ballot per small batch would be rejected as a QR CODE FAILURE.”
The Board of Elections (BOE) Chairman, Eric Chaney, “lost his temper and told Mr. Challandes to get his boss on the phone immediately.” Scott Tucker of Dominion was called and put on speaker phone. Chaney told him he had 30 minutes to fix the scanner so that it would take the ballots or he was calling all of the news agencies and inviting them into the office to have them film and witness what was going on with the scanners. Mr. Tucker seemed to take that as a threat.
Challandes then took the phone off speaker and went outside to talk further with his boss, according to the sworn affidavit. About 30 minutes later, Challandes came back inside “smiling, saying that he knew that this was going to work, and we’d soon be finished.” He stood next to the scanner holding his smart phone, never touching it at any point in time according to Latham, and instructed Hampton to “wipe the machine down one more time.” Hampton reluctantly and redundantly did so while Challandes assured her that this time it would work. Latham makes it a point to mention that he seemed overly excited, to the point where he was “getting on everyone’s nerves.”
Hampton then ran a large batch, at the insistence of Challandes, and the last 5 batches. All were processed with no issue.
Afterwards, Challandes left the room and BOE Chairman Chaney asked “Did we all just witness what I think we witnessed?” to which Latham responded, “Is there anyway that something was downloaded to that scanner from his phone or from the Internet? There is no way that wiping the machine with a cloth stopped QR Code Failure readings.” Hampton agreed. So did the Democrat Party Rep, Ernestine Thomas-Clark who, again, said “This isn’t right.”
A phone call and a magical wipe of the lens fixed the machine. Allegedly.
Read the full sworn affadavit here.
Part 1 can be found here.
Part 3 will focus on statewide issues in Georgia during the 2020 Election and run-off.
Misty Hampton/Coffee Co viral video plus Jeff Lenberg’s explanation of Coffee County election night mishaps:
Jeff Lenberg explanation about discoveries during penetration testing conducted by Misty Hampton after months of being ignored by GA SOS: