The mainstream media has done everything it can to push people away from the historic film “Sound of Freedom” by Angel Studios on the scourge of child sex trafficking in the world today.
Why is that? Why would anyone be against an artistic production that exposes child sex trafficking? Who would do this?
Unfortunately, as The Gateway Pundit has reported, several mainstream outlets have written horrible reviews and expose’s on this sleeper hit.
The latest assault on the film is making the rounds in the twisted mainstream media this weekend.
According to reports, a St. Louis area man charged with accessory to a child kidnapping donated to the “Sound of Freedom.”
This media fabrication has over 227,000 results in a Bing search and over 2,880,000 results in a Google search.
This is how desperate the mainstream media forces are to deter people from seeing this movie that has already raised over $150 million.
Now – Here is the real story behind this latest hit piece on “Sound of Freedom.”
The man who was arrested last week is Fabian Marta, who lives in Chesterfield, Missouri, outside of St. Louis. Marta donated $200 to Angel Studios for the production of this movie.
Fabian Marta is an innocent man. Marta is a landlord who was caught up in a child custody case. According to KMOX, “The probable cause statement against Marta, 51, alleges he helped somebody who had unlawfully taken her children and interfered with the return of the two children to their lawful parent “by refusing to allow police access to the residence and impeding the kidnapping investigation.”
Marta owns the property where the woman lives, who refused to give her children back to their father.
Marta is not a child kidnapper. He owns the property.
Steve Bannon discussed the scandal this morning on The War Room, “It’s just a bald-faced lie.”