Republicans Must Confront the Democrats’ Fraudulent Voter Registration Manufacturing Operation and the Bloated Voter Rolls to Win in 2024

Without a doubt the key to the Democrat voter fraud is bloating voter rolls.

This was crystal clear when the Biden administration dispatched federal agencies to collect registrations.

And in February the Biden White House held a summit exclusively with far-left “voting rights groups” to execute plans to ‘register’ voters.

Democrat lawmakers and Joe Biden also fund suspect far-left groups that write up tens of thousands of voter registrations and turn them into county clerks in battleground states.

Guns, Burner Phones and Fake Registrations – The Buried Michigan Voter Fraud Scandal: GBI Strategies Director Gary Bell Had 70 Organizations Operating in 20 States in 2020 – TIED TO JOE BIDEN CAMPAIGN

Democrats also need these ballots mailed in so they can be completed and collected without scrutiny.

Once these ballots enter an election building or drop box, it’s game over.

Again – It is safe to say the Democrat strategy is two-fold:

1.) Bloat the voter rolls with millions of manufactured registrations
2.) Mail in the ballots of the manufactured registrations

The suspect ballots are then basically ‘legitimate’ ballots that pass audits. Stopping fraud should focus much farther upstream.

The bottleneck for Democrat fraud appears to be getting the collected ballots back into the system, in bulk. This was made evident in 2000 Mules. Republican efforts should look at ways to prevent bulk ballot delivery. Because registration is now done almost entirely online, they face little vetting. Demanding registration vetting might be a longer term strategy. It must happen.

There are several groups today that can identify likely fraudulent registrations. Check My Vote and Omega4America are two such organizations. These groups are able to identify fraudulent voters and fraudulent locations on a much broader scale than the GOP. It is not clear to this website if the Republican Party even has this on their radar?  If we find out the GOP is concerned about this issue we will update this report.


RNC Deputy Counsel Bill McGinley recently went on The War Room to discuss the Republican strategy this election cycle.

McGinley is asking for volunteers. No amount of poll watchers or counting watchers will stop fraud. It’s just too late. In fact, RNC poll watchers are trained to be passive as to not trigger a DOJ Civil Rights Department investigation. Examples: On election day 2022, PW’s were at the Maricopa MTEC warehouse. Inbound ballots arriving from every poll location and vote center were NOT counted, on purpose. Not knowing the number of ballots received allows for more to be injected. Poll watchers were also at Runbeck that same day. However, 35,000 extra ballots were processed by Runbeck. PW’s didn’t stop the fraud. The elections were stolen.

A few days before the 2020 election, leftist Judge Emmett Sullivan allowed USPS to also make bulk deliveries of completed ballots to Vote Centers. This was to expedite late-arriving ballots at the post offices. Oddly, Sullivan only allowed this in key swing states. Poll watchers stood by as people in plain clothes in old cars dumped trays of ballots at vote centers. It seems the crooks have baked the PW presence into their strategies and are not scared of them.

And Republicans also know the DOJ or FBI will not help stop the fraud. Just look at the GBI Strategies investigation!


McGinley asks people to vote early because “this allows us to spend our resources on those who have not yet voted”. This is a repeated talking point we believe is horrible advice. The left is ferocious in obtaining real-time insight into who voted. They use USPS, vendors, insiders, etc. This allows them to target those who has not yet voted. Does the right have similar data, partners, and complex modeling software – we really doubt it.

Even if they did, the GOP doesn’t seem to have the ground forces. For instance, Maricopa started mailing ballots on Oct. 12th 2022. One GOP voter had 9 door knockers show up at my residence over the next 15 days. Each was a Democrat operative, all from big labor. They had catchy company names like “America Works USA”. This is an ACLU operation, which came by twice. All were young kids being paid, not volunteers, each carrying $500 iPads to report in real-time on that voter. The only Republican marketing he received was 8 post cards (see below).


TGP has reported on the leftist company Uplift, which provides in-person voting totals in Arizona, updated every hour throughout election day. The Arizona GOP had no idea how they do this.

In 2020, Milwaukee Election Director Woodall-Vogg was giving nightly reports of the ballots received that day to the leftist group National Vote At Home Institute. This information was critical to targeting those who had not yet voted.

If the Republican plan is to just to request voter rolls from hundreds of election jurisdictions, that data could be days or weeks old by the time they get it. Jay Valentine should have insight on how the GOP will determine who has not yet voted.

The left and their vendors have worked closely with USPS who has the holy grail of ballot delivery information. Because ballots are coded differently than other mail, USPS knows exactly when a ballot was delivered via GPS on the carriers. They know who returned a ballot. The right has no vendors in the ballot tracking space, and no working relationship with USPS.

Numerous universities  including StanfordHarvardCalTechPrinceton, and MIT all have dedicated election departments who partnered with the left to provide election intelligence and modeling. The left has dozens of sophisticated election partners, including analytics from GfK MRICivisClarityBlueLabs, and many more.

Bill McGinley spoke about the two different models, where the left completely outsources their elections to hundreds of non-profits. The right still relies on the RNC, which could never manage the amount of relationships and activities needed to compete.

The clock is ticking. It is reasonable to believe the RNC will never be able to lead efforts in these areas.

The time is now for conservative groups to organize and plan how to identify and report fraudulent registrations. Conservatives must also develop a plan to confront and shut down the left’s fraudulent registrations machine.

We must wise up and act accordingly.

Or this may be the last election of your lifetime.

This post was originally published on this site