Sometimes conservatives do not have to take part in owning the libs because too often they do it themselves.
Timcast’s (and TGP Contributor) Cassandra MacDonald reported Tuesday that a “non-binary” influencer named James Rose had a colossal meltdown after being featured in a May 28 Trump campaign ad alongside Dylan Mulvaney.
Rose and Mulvaney were shown briefly as Trump attacked the radical left for normalizing gender dysphoria.
He posted a video on TikTok whining and crying about how he felt “shame” and claiming “he kind of fell apart.” The whole tantrum lasted for about three minutes.
I found out that Donald Trump used me and my “gorgeous” friend Dylan in his most recent advertisement. I saw it, and I kind of fell apart.
(Crying) I didn’t want to tell you that because I didn’t want to look weak — and it’s like, oh my God, that’s so stupid, I cry on the internet all the time. Like, why is today any different?
I didn’t want to share this either, but I felt shame about being trans. I felt shame about being public about my transition, being bubbly and fun and loving life, and I thought Oh, maybe if I were just different, then maybe I wouldn’t have, like, failed my community in this way.
@jamesissmiling Trump used me & Dylan in his latest presidential campaign ad. Let this be fodder to fight hardee for trans people everywhere. #transisbeautiful #nonbinarypride #stoptransgenocide
Rose continues to rant and cry for several seconds about how felt like he failed the trans community and falsely claim that people want to “eradicate” them.
He then switches gears vowing to defend the trans community.
Notice how he refers to himself in third person. Perfectly emblematic of his crybaby narcissistic rant.
This presidential campaign, I’m just predicting it’s going to be horrible. Not only for James personally but for trans people in general. We are going to have to hold each other in community tighter than ever.
We are beautiful, we are wonderful, and we are part of the fabric of society. No matter how hard they attack us, I will love us twice as hard, and I’m not the only one.
Of course, like a typical leftist, Rose completely missed the point of the Trump ad. It had nothing to do with going with “eradicating” trans people.
The main message was that Democrat policies were turning our nation into a hellhole.
Here is the full ad. You can see Rose briefly appear right around the 30 second mark: