President Trump at least on paper has one more legal ‘hurdle’ to clear before assuming office once again, and it comes from an unexpected source.
The Daily Mail exclusively reported on Saturday that a convicted p*dophile named Anthony Sharp has sued Trump for $30,000 for a supposed ‘racist’ comment made during the 2024 campaign. The 58-year-old Sharp is currently being held in a prison cell in Soledad, California, where he is serving 25 years to life after being convicted of possessing child p*rn back in 2016.
The lawsuit filed by Sharp was mailed to the Palm Beach County courthouse in Trump’s home state of Florida, and the soon-to-be 47th President was served with the paperwork on December 2. In the frivolous suit, Sharp alleges he suffered “emotional trauma” after hearing Trump tell the National Association of Black Journalists (NABC) back in July that illegal aliens were stealing black jobs (which is true).
“What Trump said on national TV was downright racist as this particular defendant has a well-known history of making such comments,” Sharp whined in the suit. “Immigrants are stealing black jobs, just to make that statement alone is racist as well as slanderous to me and my family, because what is a black job?”
“Well, let me tell you what a black job is, really, from a black point of view. A black job is considered picking cotton – peanuts, etc. for their slave masters,” he added.
For reference, here is what Trump told the NABC:
“Coming from the border are millions and millions of people who happen to be taking black jobs,’ Trump explained. “They’re taking the employment from black people.”
Trump is right. The United States Civil Rights Commission published a briefing report back in 2010 which conclusively showed both illegal immigration and mass legal immigration plunges black Americans into poverty by reducing wages and shrinking the workforce.
As Breitbart notes, the federal government currently gives green cards to more than a million legal immigrants. At the same time, there are at least 15.5 million illegal aliens in the U.S.
In addition to his conviction for child p*rn, Sharp has an extensive criminal rap sheet dating back to 1988. This includes a charge of “lewd or lascivious acts” with a child under the age of 14.
The Mail notes Sharp is considered “sexually violent predator” by the State of California and is eligible for parole in September 2027.
Given how lawless and incompetent the Golden State has become, it would not be a shock to see him back out on the streets.